Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

If this update is to be ‘focused’ on something, I pray it’s on these aforementioned heavier SAM’s.

A NAV CAS update, with the same old junk to counter it, might genuinely do me in. Ain’t got it in me no more.

Oh yeah, the March update should be ground focused, we just got two pretty big air updates back-to-back.

I imagine the heavier SAMs will take some time though, they only said they were in the plans recently, also with them teasing the Rapier it suggests there isn’t anything better coming soon

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I disagree on the basis that what you wrote doesn’t invoke positive emotions in me

We will get Spyder, Sky Sabre, Slamrambo thingy, Iris-tea doo dah, and everything will be perfect and wonderful.


Best case the teaser is for March, worst case it’s for the whole year

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Yeah, hopefully, I just hope they go in a sensible order. Like starting with Isarel and italy who have the weakest, then US, Britain and Japan, etc etc. Instead of starting with the soviets like we all know they will


What happened to the radar tracked target markers for the F-4’s with digital HUDs and the J35XS? As far as I can see the F-4S (can’t check the F-4EJ Kai) doesn’t have this even though it was added with Storm Warning. Also the J35XS doesn’t even have a digital HUD so there’s no marker present there either.


I can see the Type 81 being a test bed for multiple vehicle systems i believe in the dev stream way back they said something about its radar system. Plus it would get its ARH missile.


Still mad they fixed so many aircraft but ignored both SHars.

Is that fish in the bottom? Size of em! Bro filleted Jaws

Only the JF-17 and J-10A had they’re radar target markers added in this I believe. Other than those there weren’t many other fixes if any. But yeah it seems like hell will freeze over before the Shars get their HUDs fixed.

Nah, it’s just an upgraded US F-18A that can fire amraams

You guys might get the CF-18 if you get a hornet

Yeah, seems to be the case.

2.5kg (without head, and guts)

The UK one? Doesnt have the 6 SARHM pylons, HMS, agile eagle or Aim7F

GR.9A too probably. Would be really fun to use with VTOL+Brimstone.

Yeah, the one snag there though. Never used Brimstone Dual mode, only Brimstone 1s, so only mmW, now they should just give us Brimstone Dual modes as placeholder, like they’ve done with the Typhoons never using Brimstone 1/Dual modes and only 2, 3s and Spears. But this is Gaijin we are talking about

I wouldnt mind just giving them SAL and calling it a day, there are many placeholder cases like such, JAS39C with skyflash, F-16A MLU with AIM-7M etc. The GR.9A is vtol capable so its gameplay would be actually decently flexible.

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Yeah, would be fun, especially as it would also have a better tpod than TIALD (hopefully)

Honestly I’m starting to doubt whether we will actually get better TPOD’s. So many aircraft have been added which could use better pods but we keep getting the same Litening and LANTIRN pods.