Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

F-4J doesn’t get the manoeuvring slats that the F-4S has got which makes it worse in turning performance.

It’s not a massive difference but it is enough to be noticeable and make the F-4S the better Phantom.

Also the F-4S gets a digital HUD which is a massive improvement over the F-4J in Sim battles

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Thanks for the answer, all my life I thought that they were completely identical.

An premium Hornet would sell so hard

Anything to get me a pre AMRAAM Hornet in game, but probs not on release, maybe in December like with the SU-33

Honestly a premium F/A-18A wouldn’t be that bad. Would be around 13.0 - 13.3 with Sparrows + 9M’s.

If like the past leak says and Gaijin are skipping the F/A-18A and going straight for the C then it could come as a premium.

I personally think it should have come as a squadron vehicle alongside the Su-33 which would have paired nicely, both naval aircraft, Fox 1 and 2 limited, and similar missile counts. Then in the future get the Su-30+F/A-18C together for the tech trees.

13.0 as it gets 8 missiles at most, either 6 AIM-9 + 2 AIM-7, or 2 AIM-9 + 4 AIM-7, so it’s objectively worse than the F-15A, more comparable to the F-16A for Belgium, both are 13.0

If the next update is naval fighter focused we could potentially see the Rafale M too, and here’s me wishing for the F-14D Super Tomcat but I really don’t know what’s gonna happen to it now

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It’s not such a powerful plane, just an improved MIG-29, so won’t be that high, 13.7 or 14.0 would be fine, even with R-77-1 since its flight performance is still much worse than things like Typhoon. so as MIG-29M/M2. though, R-73M or R-74 is another hard problem, don’t know how it will influence the game, so I ignore it in this situation.

if it is naval fighter focused then for Britain I hope for:

  • SHars to finally be finished
  • British ramped carrier maybe? Even if its just for test flight
  • Sea-Vixen FAW1 with a gunpod for the TT
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Is there anything to actually indicate it being naval fighter focused beyond the Hornet & Su30 in that decal?

Maybe we could see the Nimrod that was passed to developers added in a naval focused update for Britain too given it’s job as a maritime patrol aircraft

it would be a laugh, but the only way it would be addable is with its 8x ASRAAM.

Whilst that would be hilarious, it might be a tad on the OP side

Both aircraft are also just logical additions

It could also carry 9L which would be fine to add with

Just 9Ls would be DOA.

You would be a free kill long before you ever got in range to fire a 9L unless it was at like 8.0

Oh for sure, just feels like whenever we say an update is focused on something, that something is only ever a small fraction of the content added lol.

Like Sky Guardians was the promised ‘AA focused’ update that added one AA.

Last 3 June updates have had a top US naval aircraft, but nothing to necessarily suggest a wider naval focus

True, but there would be a kinda nice symmetry to such an update.

For F-4S Phantom II, it’s premium pack rank VII only

But I hope some day the second fighter aircraft premium (pre-order pack or GE) in rank 8 better F-20A

USN F/A-18A in desert storm armaments like F/A-18C/D Early

If this update is to be ‘focused’ on something, I pray it’s on these aforementioned heavier SAM’s.

A NAV CAS update, with the same old junk to counter it, might genuinely do me in. Ain’t got it in me no more.