Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Updated that suggestion to add the Armour drop down menu. Said I’d update when I could.

@Smin1080p_WT Is there any chance developers can release statistics on the performance of fox 3 missiles?


they wont release any statistics, there are no statistics, just feelings of “we want to…” “we dont want to…”

“AIM9X is too advanced for now” → No no no We couldn’t care less to add AIM9X now

More nations use the 120 than the R-77 and MICA the results would be skewed and not offer an accurate data set.



lol xD

I know, but you have to admit the timing is fuuny

its quit tragic

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Hey Smin,

With the current year adding over 260 vehicles, and more are coming in the next few years, are there plans of splitting the ground and air tt’s? Or perhaps something else?

Since this game is probably going to be active for another 10 years and the TT’s are already taking a very long time grinding to top tier. So when adding even more vehicles, especially RU, US, GB and DE, the TT’s are going to be very bloated in the next few years.

Nations like JP, ZH, FR, ISR, SWE and IT are receiving 1 to 3 vehicles per update, so these nations wont have that problem for the next 5 years.

260 vehicles = more like 30-40 unique ones, they will not make a statistic for “unique vehicles added” but I still dare them to


Who let this guy come back

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Me? 💅🏻🕺🏼

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Nah the guy who can’t spell his name without numbers, he had quite the fit a while back.

Aaah, was just about to say; i was never gone 💅🏻

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That’s because what is “unique” or “copy-paste” is not used as their strict definitions by most of the community.

An example:
Most people would call the Leopard 2A4NL a “copy-paste” vehicle instead of unique, even if the model of this vehicle has several differences compared to the one in the Hungarian, Finnish(which is a Finnish-bought 2A4NL) or German tree. Technically the Leopard 2A4NL would be a unique vehicle.

What does constitute as unique or a copy-paste is very much a subjective matter on this forum…


And according to this subjective matter for most man, Leo 2A4NL won’t be considered as unique vehicle, and anything said otherwise will be seen as quite hilarious, and pretty much justified I think

Even something like the Thai F-16 is unique in it’s own way, a bad way, but still unique enough to not just be C&P


No, any vehicle that is a copy of another and is put into different tech trees just for the sake of “progression” and for the sake of Gaijin just bragging about “we added 260 blah blah” is copy paste, this behavior is hated by everyone in the community and is constantly damaging the progression itself and the productiveness of the devs

That actually doesn’t account for many vehicles though


It also doesn’t hugely impact production, similar vehicles are easy and therefore quick, if every vehicle added in a patch was unique we still wouldn’t get that many more unique vehicles

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