Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

260 vehicles = more like 30-40 unique ones, they will not make a statistic for “unique vehicles added” but I still dare them to


Who let this guy come back

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Me? 💅🏻🕺🏼

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Nah the guy who can’t spell his name without numbers, he had quite the fit a while back.

Aaah, was just about to say; i was never gone 💅🏻

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That’s because what is “unique” or “copy-paste” is not used as their strict definitions by most of the community.

An example:
Most people would call the Leopard 2A4NL a “copy-paste” vehicle instead of unique, even if the model of this vehicle has several differences compared to the one in the Hungarian, Finnish(which is a Finnish-bought 2A4NL) or German tree. Technically the Leopard 2A4NL would be a unique vehicle.

What does constitute as unique or a copy-paste is very much a subjective matter on this forum…


And according to this subjective matter for most man, Leo 2A4NL won’t be considered as unique vehicle, and anything said otherwise will be seen as quite hilarious, and pretty much justified I think

Even something like the Thai F-16 is unique in it’s own way, a bad way, but still unique enough to not just be C&P


No, any vehicle that is a copy of another and is put into different tech trees just for the sake of “progression” and for the sake of Gaijin just bragging about “we added 260 blah blah” is copy paste, this behavior is hated by everyone in the community and is constantly damaging the progression itself and the productiveness of the devs

That actually doesn’t account for many vehicles though


It also doesn’t hugely impact production, similar vehicles are easy and therefore quick, if every vehicle added in a patch was unique we still wouldn’t get that many more unique vehicles

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It should have been taken into consideration that nations like Italy (germany v2 + useless Ariete), Sweden (germany v3) and China (apart from top tier which doesn’t play any different that USSR) are not going to provide anything other than a little spark of enjoyment for maybe half the Italians, swedes and chinese at the cost of everybody else (the majority).

This does not only cut the uniqueness, but also create problems such as the fact that no tech tree is “perfect”, when you have to take care of however many “different” nations, none of them will be actually looked after by the devs and nor by people actually. The majority still plays the 3 main nations with a very big number of the other players playing X copy-paste nation because they might wanna take a pause from the Actual nation.

All of this means that the least played nation will suffer even more because the game is based around the effectiveness of your vehicle and all that

People complain about whatever vehicles, that said vehicle most of the time shouldn’t have been added at all just because whatever mass of players asked for it, if the vehicle creates problems for the majority of others for no actual reason, then it should not be in the game, if a nation doesn’t have anything unique to it, then don’t add it. It’s very simple. Instead you could maybe add it to one of the main nations.

Want an example? Let’s add the tech tree of Uganda! Why? Because of the extremely small number of players that want it in-game, ofc at the expense of everybody else.

Italy doesn’t have a capable top tier vehicle in-game and there are no fixes to it other than adding copy paste? Sure just add it, right?

But here’s the absurd part:

War Thunder: We will give the Hungarian Leopard 2A7 to Italy!
Players: But Italy doesn’t even have Leopard 2A7 and its german copy paste too?
War Thunder: We need to be inclusive at the expense of the german mains and everybody else! (thinking about the trillions of hungarians that would play italy just because of a tank that their country doesn’t even have yet)

So basically they instantly flamed the german mains, actually scammed the italians and then didn’t even encourage any Hungarian to research italy due to the other vehicle spam that in this case italy might have. The italian tech tree basically got added a copy paste (F the germans, right?), then got scammed in their faces by not even adding a vehicle of their own, so the question becomes…is this the Italian tech tree? I mean, the sole reason why Italy is in game is because Gaijin thought the whatever number of Italians will enjoy it, but they can’t enjoy it due to many reasons. So the Italians can’t enjoy it (apart from the ones that got scammed by the 2A7) and the other nations took a hit, in this case being Germany, but also the other ones because instead of facing 1 nation with 2A7s, you’re now facing 2 nations with it.

I could continue but I got bored, this one also applies to France and probably many others. What Gaijin did was add fuel to the fire, so the people that complained would shut up for maybe 3-4 months until the shockwave will hit back.

“Now A B C D nations have all copy pasted OP vehicles! But wait, E nation was left out and its being hammered, we now need to add this next super weapon to them because its unbalanced!!!”

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But its damaging the gameplay and also the fact that devs could take care of better things, and if we were to cut all of this it would actually help the game rather than damage it

The current MM and vehicle ranking is very flawed, if X nation cant be competitive at the said BR, then DO NOT add vehicles for that BR, just skip it. This way the X mains will not suffer through it and the other mains will not have to take a hit, but the current Gaijin thought process is just adding fuel to a bomb that is gonna explode very soon

Yep. And even then, “X vehicle doesn’t count because I’m not interested in it” is just silliness anyway.


Nooo…, because clearly for the 10 nationalist X very-minor nation people would be “happy” (which they arent because it happens that most of those minor nations do not even have their own vehicles or competitive ones anyway) - its worth for the other nations to take the hit, what does this mean…? It means that no nation is actually enjoyable or unique, whats the point of me playing the whatever nations if it doesnt even have unique vehicles

Gaijin also tried trading players, so some german players (nobody) might want to play with the “italian” wait uhh sorry, the hungarian tank that italy happens to have in-game (2A7)

Probably should return to base bombing, since for him, all buildings except for the bases would yield rewards


“Uniqueness” across trees doesn’t matter. Any nation can fight any nation, and you can’t build pull from different trees to make lineups.

It’s diversity within trees that matters, because within a tree is how you make lineups. Giving, say, France a German-designed tank adds diversity, as now you can play a French and German tank in the same lineup. What other players have in their own lineups, and what trees they happen to be using has no bearing on you.


The most diversity possible would be to not have nations, and instead all vehicles are just one big pool that can be freely mixed and matched.


yh what u just said is exactly why this game is bland and doomed

Reworking the concept of subtrees could be potentially be a good step in the right direction. Seperating the subtrees to create a seperate category, which the player can choose from a number of nations which is also possibly accessible to multiple main trees as well. Kinda like how minors work in kards. This allows for each player to tailor the lineup to his playstyle while conserving the diversity. Additionally, this avoids political arguments much easily because it is the players that decide which minor nations go with their main nation lineup.


What I mean be like, lets take the example of existing minor nations/group of minor nations:

Benelux - Available to both Germany and France
When creating a German or French lineup, the player may pick a selection of benelux vehicles. The player can also choose to research benelux vehicles instead of their native tree, similar to how grinding helicopters in grb works.

Romania/Hungary - Available to Germany and Italy
Canada and Australia - Available to US and Britain
India - Available to Britain and Russia
Switzerland - Available to Germany, France and Italy