Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

+this @ april fools

Boeing 747 CMCA or Cruise Missile Carrier Aircraft


i mean itll have decent firepower.

seems like W23/ Mk 23 justification to me lol

I think the Queens of Naval will be H-39, Bismarck, and WW2 refit Nagato…

Not only do these ships have the best kind of armor for the ingame engagement ranges, but they also have the quickest rates of fire- 24 and 25 seconds, respectively.

The way Gaijin treats American Battleships, we will be lucky if the Iowas get a 35 second reload… and even if we were fortunate and got a 30 second one, the German and Japanese ships will still have a significantly quicker rate of fire.

And, when everyone can lolpen everyone, what defines meta is the rate of fire.

So… yeah. Iowas will be mediocre at best. If Gaijin at least fixed shell rooms, they would be MUCH better… but it doesn’t seem to be going to be the case. They WANT shell rooms to act like magazines. So… every time an Iowa is hit in the barbettes, it will blow up just like any currently ingame Standard BB.


yeah, like you said if they fix shell room/barbette thing it would be good, but they might not.

it would be REALLY REALLY funny if they added its IRL nuke shells though, would give it something to make up for lower RoF :)

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Another thing that would help the Iowa is if they modelled the STS Steel’s additional strength and gave it a 1.4 multiplier or something, instead of modelling it like basic RHA/CHA.

Then, maybe its armor could actually be somehow relevant!

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Turns out they are too deviant to bother so I had to try my hand (for the first time) to make it so should explain why it is a bit scuffed.


here is the attempt


@Smin1080p_WT is currently crying from horror




I think he likes it : P lol


Well smash it with a sledgehammer anyway

He is not revealing his true feeling clearly


Smin in ARB


I think he is washing his eyes with bleach.

My FGR.4 is already adequately covered :)



Any word about tiger skins for the German EF?

anyone have the pic of Smin’s profile with laser eyes, maybe it could get a little cameo

The German EFT has already received its additional skins, as have the Italian and British ones too.

Can we exspect some Eurofighter skins in the Update Skin chest?

Took longer than I thought for someone to make this skin.

Also the best joke of all time would be for this skin to be added in the Storm Warning crates, that way the E*P is actually in-game and people can stop asking for it.



My favorite skin on the EFT. Just hits right

Does that mean I won’t be able to fire exocets from the car? :(