I’m back, what did I miss?
I’m not the biggest history guy, I’m just passing along information from what the chart is likely based off. Sorry if that’s not up to your standards.
not much so far
a few please stay on topic slaps but so far that was it
well … seems the Army got 'em but i doubt they still have 'em
most likely those are in US now (along with the T-72s and T-84s)
And UK can always use the trials wild card:
GDLS marketed the Abrams heavily for UK
Even bringing the M1A2 to Carlisle Castle for photoshoot
maybe 1 day in the future, after all possibilities get exhausted
On an
*chuckles *
Merry Christmas everyone
Still wouldn’t give them a competitive 12.0 though, seeing as the M1A2 is now 11.7 lol.
Frohe Weihnachten! 🎄
Merry Christmas everyone
I will cook for my family today.
F16C (Turkey) 🚀 Flying Deer(Santa Claus)
But it’s just a standard M1A2 in downgraded export configuration?
Wouldn’t make sense to add to UK top tier
I don’t think most people who bring this brochure up are being serious
Doesn’t look like he gets any CM’s too, poor guy got uptiered
I hope not, but you never know.
Reindeer fart works as CM XD
Nah that’s what the presents are for
Pardon me to question but I doubt Turkey has the same reeds as we do over there lol