Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Yes, it’d be cool to see them, however I was asking why he was so transfixed on Jordan already being a British sub nation.

That was developed from the wholly German TH800. That’s why it’s in the German tree.

i need it


Challenger 130 was developed from the wholly British Challenger 2.
That’s why lt will be in UK tree

The Class 3 P was released before the South African sub tree, and thus when South Africa wasn’t tied to any one nation. Because of this, the Class 3 P went to where it had the closest tie, which is Germany. The Challenger 2 130 is a very different case, with it being a German modification of a British tank, both of which are independently represented nations (I’m not saying it shouldn’t go to the UK, by the way. In my opinion it should go to both).

The slight problem is, that 47 was never armed, just like EAP.

Then mods should remove this suggestion or they should accept EAP suggestion.

Does it ever have pylons or no, just nothing at all?

Would be cool to laser cut planes and tanks in half with an airliner

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I think all picture of this plane answer it for you.

Well I think for this matter at least in respect to reality there is an answer then. However, if ever any weapons were planned to be added on it, then Gaijin has plenty of space, since a slightly less Yak 141 precedent has been set after all.

That’s great! I believe Gaijin will eventually have to include Cold War and modern ships, even though it was denied in the latest Q&A. I’m excited for it when it happens.

We all know that submarines are expected to arrive sometime in 2025, so we have that to look forward to as well.

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I mean honestly, WT mobile is ahead in some aspects compared to WT RN. Especially navy, quite excited about these newer stuff and how they are implemented.

I would unironically play the soviets if they decided to introduce storozhevoy

Why? Why are you excited for any of that?

Class 3P doesn’t matter that much when there is the Bismark (not the ship) still left

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Japan may receive, apart from the Yamato class, a small, insignificant battleship:


Just wanna point out :

South African Bismarck 8x8 Heavy Armoured Car prototype
( “the most heavily-armored armored car ever made” )
Bismarck was made by Sandock Austral Ltd. with just design assistance from Thyssen-Henschel.
i.e not identical to TH800

Here seen with Olifant turret:

This can be SA subtree’s Class 3P-ish?


thats what I am saying although I would like to see other south african vehicles first

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Jordanian Leclercs are Emirati tropicalized Leclercs anyway so … those should stay in French TT