Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I can remember them being 5p… sad

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Knowing Gaijin they’ll give it Gripen FM with more thrust.

Or at least have the gripens limitations like the canard issues

Gripen with more thrust is not a huge thing since its more leathal the slower it goes, but if its like a j-10 with more weapons it would be very formidable. The EFTs are smaller than J-10s but they get more weaponries and its variety.

im gonna be honest I have no hope of gaijin not breaking the EFT or arterially nerfing it so its worse then the top planes already in game

I predict J-11BH from PLANAF same J-11B Early (Block 2) but different landing gear and camouflage

Yeah… I fear what they will do.

At a minimum I’m expecting CM issues and A2G limitations.

J11B should match F15C if things goes to plan. F15E, well we need a better missile.

Everyone arguing here needs to chill a bit and touch some grass.


shocked don

when I realise


That’s if Gaijin is generous enough to give WS-10A, and the 700kg of weight reduction.
J-16 is a match for F-15E in flight performance, but that is probably at least two major updates away.

huh? realise what?

Is that the federation logo ? lmao

No. It’s just grass. Idk what are you all seeing.

See, i went for the other franchise in the genre.

Looks exactly like the grass from the Padme & Anakin meme, no?

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used to that by now

that Hornet was 100% definetly coming this major twice already and every time their incorrect statement was defended with yea but its coming next time, nobody said its coming now

I predict it’ll be the same this Major

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I still like to know what Smins was meming about earlier, he doesn’t usually meme like that in ages

na, na it’s one of the arrows from

the Stargate



He teasing us today

last time he behaved like this we got a Buccaneer (I think, cant quite tell the Majors apart anymore)

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I mean he did say he was looking forward to something very much, so my bet devblog will start this week.