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Or we could desolve the British TT in to Germany would solve a lot of C&P issues

Or just cope : P

Sounds more like you are lol

Well I’ve accepted the Indian sub to Britain, sounds like your still mad over it lol

Britain needs a top tier squadron vehicle the Mig-29 can fill that role since there no BR limit now : )

Hey the Pakistani T-80UD(6TD-2E) is an unique upgraded T-80 variant … and i really want that to come to WT and only way currently we see is via the Chinese TT as an event or premium (unless gajijn decides to add new TTs or sub trees) … so yea I’d vote for that

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Where did i seem mad about Indian sub to Britain? I just merely suggested drop British i to Germany make it a West Europe TT

It doesn’t need it. Britain doesn’t have to see Top tier

Even so it will still end up in Britain that a fact : )

wha ? lmao

Why does Britain need to see top tier?

In my opinion, USSR is a better place if it is coming, but there are enough T-80s, and China don’t lack MBTs in that br

It’s call progression my man

Ir doesn’t have to progress that far. They could add other things to fill the inside of the TT too.

This is why Britain “needing” these things is teally a want not a need

which country do you play out of interest?

Gajin not add another domestic USA aircraft rank VII for 2 years

USA lack domestic USN fighter aircraft BR 8.7 ~ 9.0 at early rank VI before F3H-2

Between F-8E and F-4J, maybe.

Sadly, I don’t know battle rating of F-8J

In a folder with F-4E

Air-to-Air & Air-to-Ground armament similar to F-4E but different laser designator targeting pod & radar, and retain General Electric J79-GE-15 engine from F-4C

Personally, I think F-4E (1985) to early rank VIII between F-4E and F-15A

AN/APQ-120(V)-10/-11 Radar better AN/APQ-120 from F-4E, General Electric J79-GE-17E smokeless engines, Armament 80’s and equipped Pave Spike or Pave Tack targeting pod

Right now I on the swed grind. Why you ask?

F-4D should replace the F-4C


Unironically this. Not every nation needs aircraft at every single BR. By forcing it you end up with DOA planes like F-4F ICE, or worse yet something OP that ruins the game at that tier for who knows how long. Would be cool if every nation had cutting edge planes at every single point in time, but that’s not how it works unfortunately.

Simply curious. I just think the expression pot kettle black is appropriate. Why should Sweden get a Gripen? After all, you bring up a valid question - "why does (x country) need to see top tier?)

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