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What do you mean SWE? sweden JAS39A has its historical arms and missing quite a few. Only the SAAF JAS39C was given special treatment for having anyform of AGM when it was added since irl they never had them. Then when it came to the AGM 65G’s sweden had to wait 3 weeks after the SAAF gripen was given them. (Just adding this cause so many people scream sweden got special treatment for the CAS on the gripen when it was only confirmed for about a month that only the SAAF gripen would get them before we had to spam ping Smin for any real answer. But cleary swedish bias) But yes, the swiss f18 should receive CAS capability for balance. Any other f18’s that lack them should also receive the same treatment.

Ok interesting fabrication.

Where did i say Sweden should see top tier lol?

You’re not reading what I said. Never said that.

i’m merely asking whether you think Sweden needs a top tier?

You sure?

I just mean the JAS-39C.
Ger is similar to SWE that time, no top CAS, so it will get the same.

Gaijin didnt seem to think so when they planned on adding the A before or the Viggen when it first came out in devblog.

That’s what I said.
What, did you think I was accusing you of saying something you didn’t?

I asked YOU a question.

it probably a worthy research IF they give the commander sight the full extended length, at least for me.

probably the ultimate scout car
but “naaaaaah…” - BVVD, probably…

Gaijin’s opinions don’t really count, since they’re outright wrong (hmmm yes let me add another Japanese BB/BC at 7.0 when France doesn’t have… any)

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The phrase pot calling the kettle black means you are calling me a hypocrite.

You are inferring i think Sweds should see top tier.

ICV doesn’t have it?

Even then, ICV’s crewless turret would be a boost in survivability.

What I hate about Squadron vehicles is how they are capped to 20,000 RP every 3 days; so even at full research efficiency, it would take me 78 DAYS!!! to get RCV…

So, if they release ICV in October, I would literally be able to get it quicker than RCV. (30 days till the update + 3 days worth of grind, instead of 78 for the Squadron RCV.)

Well it simply depends on how you answered.

My question was:

If you said Sweden does need a top tier then that’d imply preferential treatment, considering you’d just said Britain doesn’t need one.
If you said Sweden doesn’t, then you’d imply that the game doesn’t need to progress.

Sadly, I can’t think about this. It depends on gaijin

Currently F-4C lack chaff dispenser and AIM-7E Sparrow. but USAF service F-4C never drop laser guided bomb, equipped early targeting pod and never fired enemy soviet fighter aircraft by AIM-7E-2 in vietnam war

So you admit that you think i think Sweds should see top tier. Congrats.

To answer you question should Sweds get a Gripen? They designed and built it so I guess it’s fine for them.
Still completely different from X nation needs a C&P aircraft so it can be in top tier though.

If you wanted a more compeling argument you should have used the F-35


Guess i have to keep coming back to this. We couldve gitten this with the BOY CM pod, instead we got a gimped C model which just like the rest of sweden air was artificially added to fit a BR after we had to argue with gaijin to fix it only for them to half listen. Which is why the 10.x+ air line is horrendously garbage when coming from a historical and accurate representation of their actual aircraft in service. Sweden is and so far has always been given older jets which are then ignored and Psuedo buffed to perform at higher BR’s which create massive gaps and leave those vehicles lacking a good portion of their arsenal. So far the past 2 serious top tier additions were not on par with the current top tier. Gripen A didn’t have HMD, CM pods ext ext while the C was added at the same time. The viggen was based on the A which only had BOY CM pod under the main fuselage and gaijin added the C because it had internal which couldve been saved for later to be what the D is currently. Then the D couldve been given RB99. This is a rant but the swedish air tree is a long joke of ignored possibilities.

Synopsis gaijin couldnt bother spending 10 mins reading anything on the aircraft,

For those who dont wanna read a cope wall

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And the Indians made their own K variants of the Mig-29s and it even touched British soil : )

“Add only if required in BR” thinking ~ limits a lot of potential and variety.
On one hand you got few unique vehicles but doesn’t warrant adding a full blown Nation as a TT (they tried with China & Israel, both gets proper unique post mid-tier) & ignoring those gives rise to Japan 2.0 happening for some Nations in the future … on other hand you get to add these vehicles with some slight connection to an existing Nation’s TT and continue bringing in variety to the game.
So which option makes more sense from business standpoint for a studio full of devs?

Grasping straws

yeah the telephone pole only for the RCV, hence Recon part
the ICV doesn’t have one.

yeah, if you want straight up IFV probably the ICV would be better, it just sad that i can’t role play as telephone pole…

on researching part i don’t mind since i got all the time i have, not every one is, but hey people got their own priorities.

I need to save myself since gaijin & Smin said India is a sub of Britain.