Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

which is rather strange.

Also, as I keep banging on about, WE DON’T HAVE A MISSILE SHIP which is curious considering we’d been mulling the idea over since NINETEEN FOURTY THREE (1943)

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I personally believe we’ll get EF in the last major update of the year, and Hornets in the one before that (the upcoming one)

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I’d like to dream, but 3 patches from now to December seems a bit much. I get this one was kinda quiet but… I’m not convinced tbh

Interestingly, they are on the other game. I am not sure about the other nations over there, but I am certain that Britain in war thunder mobiles gets the first AShM armed ship, the type 21, the first VLS-capable ship, the type 23, and the first nuclear sub, the HMS valiant, in that game.

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Last 3 updates of 2023:

“Sons of Attila” 19. September

“Kings of Battle” 31. October

“Air Superiority” 14. December

We are currently on 10. September, there’s still room for two major updates before end of year

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Yeah… Even something with a bad SAM would be nice. I keep getting practically one shotted by Bravys in things like HMS London and its just annoying that other nations just dont get equal

I agree britain needed stuff for top tier. People like smugspite have interpreted my gripen argument as me saying that britain didnt need it but my point was that had the gripen A been added when the F16C was added gaijin may have actually been able to place the gripen at a decent BR and model it correctly. The C completely negates the A when the C has 1 different missile over the A. The A also can do exactly what the C can minus having 1 pylon of which gaijin has yet to add. My gripe with the gripens is that they were added with the idea of having the gripen A be the same BR as the C despite being worse. Gaijins little patchwork solution didn’t fix it and it again is my fear of sweden air bwing a 1 jet nation with every “new” addition being a 400k+ rp sink with 1 missile being the difference. Instead of gaijin doing any smidge of reading to see what differences they have.


Reminds me on Youtube I’ve seen Poland, Checksovkia, Yugoslavia(and a bit more recently Canada).

The first 3 had a really dedicated person asking for all 3 and then they had a few asking for one or two of those combos.

As for Canada, it is much more sporadic and rotating who is asking each one seems to last about 5-10 “days” before it seems to rotate through them.

Oh, Brazil’s video had a lot of LATAM being asked for. I’m trying to think if I saw that elsewhere. and if I saw anyone else.

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County class with artificially removed exocet tubes would do just fine. Sea slugs are trash to shoot down actually supersonic planes, but they have a very impressive 60 pound warhead to slap ships, and they got plenty of them alongside with seacats.

Funny enough Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia should in theory be classed as one nation under gaijin system even with post divided nations.

So Poland got room for one more sub. My money is on Lithuania.

Gaijin played too much wargame and actually took up the idea of YUGVAK lol


Yep, that would be good

Lol, Imagine Poland having like 10 nations just because 2 nations Czechoslovakia & Yugoslavia spited into more than a dozen nations

Well in that case it could probably the HMS glamorgan.

killed off my interest in EC. why should I have to play a mode where I can get one shot from the other side of the map and I can’t retaliate?

Remember, the initial build of County Class didn’t even have Exocet Missiles. The original build had 2 turrets of 2x 4.5in guns (like those on the Daring). Sea Slug wouldn’t be a brilliant missile but it’d be better than nothing.

HMS Kent in 1989 (sourced via Wikipedia)

Worst comes to worst we could skip to Sea Dart


I have seen people say less intelligent things seriously in the past here, so I just operate under the assumption that everything is serious unless it has been made obviously clear prior.

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Whats funny is that is barely a 5.0 worthy ship :D Even with the SAMs

I could probably make you a good tech tree. Its been a long time cuz ive stopped hardly playing the game after the M1A2 SEPv2 debacle and the absolute contempt shown for the playerbase, but i cut my teeth on making nation suggestions on the old forum (I was the OG LatAm tech tree guy).


Daring (which is 3 of those turrets, plus 10 torpedo tubes and some 40mm AA) is 4.7. You’d be lucky to get it past 5.0. No doubt Gaijin will make it 5.3 because County Class = Kotlin with SA-3 stuck on the back.

Mind you, Mark 2 Sea Slug would be quite good by missile standards right now. Maximum range is 32km, max speed is 1,300mph+. Warhead on the Mk1 is a 90kg HE warhead, proximity fused, and Mk2 is a Continuous Rod, armed by IR Proximity.