Would be a lovely addition. Also this thing:
With the seacat missiles:

And of course admiral belgrano would be epic.
Would be a lovely addition. Also this thing:
Yeah, kinda sad that it’s only feature as a recon vehicle is being nerf.
And also i did some picture editing, the commander sight is stuck at -10 and +20 if I did it correctly (supposed to be -20 and +30)
Well then, we ask is it the mast that is making QN506 OP or there is a complimentary weapon that can be used when the commander mast extended?
Pretty sure RCV main role is as reconnaissance and does not have ATM.
Isnt that just USS Helena?
Brooklyn Class Cruiser iirc. But uh, yeah.
My bone to pick with Seacat is they’re essentially useless. To my knowledge, no proximity fuse (Stormer HVM flashbacks), 5,500 yard range (on the optimistic side) and eyeball guided.
Hence my (almost concerning) obsession with the County Class. Given where we’re at in Naval, that would, imo, be the best suited and most balanced addition whilst not being outright DOA.
My first J-10A game started off strong with a blue screen.
Tzeentch at work, duh.
Phoenix. Argentina added modern radar and sea cat missiles.
Where would she go is the question. US or Germany?
To be honest. I vote neither.
Neither nation needs it at the moment and would be better to save it if/when we get a LATAM tree/sub-tree.
It just sank in me…
Why has Gaijin given Japan two 410mm-armed Battleships before giving U.S a single 406mm-armed one? :/
The “balance” part goes off the window when you consider than the 2x Japanese BBs armed with 410mm guns also reload these in 25 seconds, while the American Battleship armed with 406mm guns wouldstill take 40 seconds to reload- so it’s not like it would be OP compared to what they’ve been giving Japan or anything.
I was grinding USS Tennessee, until I realised… it’s just a much-better-looking Arizona with slightly higher penetration. Given the current state of shell rooms, I am not sure it’s even worth the grind.
There is really no reason to add any new nations, they should focus on what we already have
What is stopping them from adding the Iowa would it even be that good
Britain and especially France and italy need BBs that equal that which US, Japan and germany already have. We simply dont have anything all that good at top at the moment.
Once us 3 have gotten something… better… Then they could probably start looking at even more modern BBs.
@Rileyy3437 Will know how something like Iowa would fit with options for other nations
I think they added the j10 for it to be power crept by December update stuff
Yugoslavia would like to have a word with you.
What do they have that isn’t a tractor with guns and.steel welded on it or a modified vehicle from someone else
Most of it is modified and renamed stuff
That could not be further from the truth. Even if it was, though, if you consider things like the SO-122 and M-84AS as just modified vehicles and thus not worth adding, you need to move your goalposts.
In the game’s current maps, not really lmao.
Iowa’s armor was designed to withstand fire from 18,000m onwards, and War Thunder’s current engagement ranges are all within 13,000m.
Gameplay wise, Iowa’s belt armor is actually worse than Scharnhorst’s, or even the American Dreadnoughts xD. Only advantages would be the deck and barbettes.
Remove “US” from this, you really don’t want US-like BBs lmao.
Imagine a ship that instantly dies every time it’s hit on the barbettes- that’s an U.S BB as of now because of the buggy shell rooms that Gaijin refuses to fix. Also, 40 second aced reloads xD.
US have 5 rank VI BBs and whilst yes they are buggy, but once they are fixed, you will have 5 very very good ships. Britian has 2. 1 of which has the same survivability of the current US BBs and its not a bug. Same is true for both Italy and France
Yep, that is wierd… but it beats 30 second reloads of the Hood with a 90% chance that most of the salvo will miss due to shell dispersal. Would gladly take 40 seconds reloads to have the accuracy US ships have.
Considering the believe “modified” stuff is not worth adding I have a feeling they’d call the Sherman Firefly C&P too.