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seems the countermeasure bug is on all BOL pods or any add on pods from the looks of it

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Yeah in the SMT my FLR is being used when I pod my Chaff button as well

There’s something you cannot do in any other game…

Kill in a British Wellington with an Aim-120 in a F-15C.

Just went down in Air RB lol.


What’s up with this RP???

I think they nerfed it again. This is in ARB.

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Pretty good if u ask me for only 6 min game. Bettee than before patch.

No it’s not. I got 12K for 2 kills with a premium with 6 minutes games before. This doesn’t have a tali but it was better before.

Have you seen an 8 kill game in less than 1:20 seconds?

MAWS seem to work flawlessly but they blow through you count like no other. Is there a way to number the burst? I do not know if it will work as effectively just wondering.

They said it still isn’t ready

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they just shoot waay too many flares on most aircraft that have it

What vehicle were you using and what were you researching?

Yeah, they actually save your butt in Air RB, but if more than one guy is on you it goes nuts.

The good thing is you can set the flares or CM only. In which it will run those and will not switch over until you change mode.

Also, so far, I think they modelled the range it activates good. It will not activate until the missile is closer, I want to say 6km & under the MAW will kick in.

F-16C researching the new F-15C

Thought it was research efficiency penalty maybe, but that’s not the case it seems.

@Smin1080p AIM-9L/I-1s were mentioned in the F-4F ICE devblog, so why weren’t they added with it?

they weren’t? i’ve seen images of them being added

2 kill game around 6 min was ± 6k RP before patch. Ik cause bombing single base gave that RP and some more which made it better than killing.

I’m in game now. It’s only got L/Is.


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My bad, it was 10.5.

This was around 2 months ago

I was just thinking, now that 13.0 is the max BR, the F-14A and Mirage 2000C-S5 might reign supreme from 10.7 to 11.7 for a bit.

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