Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

I’m not sure what your on about here. This isn’t new new unless you don’t read Dev blogs :)

We provide short tips on how to use the vehicle. Not detailed guides on every single move and consideration you need to take or that you should be mindlessly killing teammates.

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does it contain a/a symbology?

Its the Gr.3 hud unfortunately I didnt have the Adens on

lol for sure. I always reply with “at least he didn’t kill you”.

I just slung two R-77s and turned around & kept going. Got to get that positioning. Position before the fighting is critical.


i was kinda looking forward to this update but honestly might wait a month or 2 for hopefully some QoL changes to be made at least to the shar, as I tried stock grinding it on the dev server and it was by far the worst experience I have ever had in wt I don’t wanna go through that again but 10x longer and against actual players



I must admit I probably forgot. I’m just a bit stunned that anyone would say “fire Fox 3s into furballs/close range engagements”

That’s like the fastest way to teamkill.

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But only 2. As you cant guide 4 like you should be able to from the Tornado, Gripen or Shar, Flames reports were ignored


Surely not…

I believe the technical term is “Denying the enemy kills”

Nobody did. Hence why I linked it so you can read for yourself.

It would seem only the non british harriers can get unique huds…

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Well… Still 2 on the patch notes

I was looking forward to the UI in the image, but unfortunately it wasn’t implemented. Was there a problem?

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No surprise the BISON has a 100% perfectly modeled HUD. But the F3 and F3 Late has a Tornado Gr1 Placeholder HUD and the FRS1 and FA2 have Harrier Gr3 placeholder HUD.


It seems like they wanted to get the update out quickly, a lot appears to be unfinished.



Yeah I do not believe the ARH are anywhere near as friendly hungry as IRs or even SARHs. GJ definitely lessened it.

I got splattered multiple times on the dev server when an ARH was fired at some one in relatively close proximity to me. If they are unchanged, they are really really dangerous if 2 people are close together

Anyway, I just wanted to clarify- even if sometimes I get a little “nervous” with some ingame issues, none of it goes for you! I appreciate you as a member and your work as a Community Manager and moderator, and I think it’s a shame that you (and/or other CMs) always end up taking the flak for ingame issues you have no power about.

Hell, you were actually the one who forwarded my bug report on the CR3 turret! And I am aware that that’s as much as you can do about it. Anything beyond that lies on the dev’s hands, not yours, and I understand that.

So again, thank you for always having such patience to deal with all of this, and remember; none of these quarrels are against you, ever!

So I hope you have a great day ^^ o7

