Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yeah it’ll be like the EJ–>EJ Kai. F-15J–>F-15J MSIP

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That’s what i am saying but atleast remove the wingrip please gaijin

F15C should come with AIM120C however I could see Gaijin not giving them it for reasons like “its an earlier variant”, however F15I should carry either I-Derby (maybe ER) or simply just AIM120C-4/7 and python 4s (even PY5s depending when it releases) as its the last F15E variant that is also modified by Israel. Probably next update they will give us (Israel mains) the upgraded Baz which is F15C Baz Meshupar.

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More like F-15J → F-15MJ (+ IRST) → F-15JSI (once its a thing)


The thing is that the aim 120 and R77 should be kinda the same thing but i see that gaijin will make a thing and make the Aim 120, 30G’s (should be around 35 or 38), and the R77, 40 or 45 G’s it should be the same

the engine from the f16i Sufa, which I think is also used on the f15E ( F100-PW-229 )

I don’t think that they’ll touch the plane’s flight model beyond the point it already is, the reason is related to the instructor but there’s a couple of workarounds to the current wingrip.

Use a center fuel tank + 20min fuel load. I’ve never got a single wingrip with that configuration, you can also try using the fuel tanks at the wings and the same 20 min fuel load, but i don’t have a particular great experience with that setup.

I usually take 20 min internal and 2 tanks on the wings(to look cool) and then i drop them

Curious if our MSIP will be the standard MSIP and then IRST version after or if it will be like how you put it with F-15J IRST+MSIP in one go.

Depending on how you look at them. The range of R77 is more like C4s or at least AIM120C’s. But I think R77 is also faster than any AMRAAM, so its fair to say that AIM120A/B would be skipped from the meta. (that doesn’t mean they won’t be in the game, simply not the best ARHs for NATO). For fairness, they have to give us at least the C variant in my opinion, however if thats so that means that Russia will only have R77 so thats gonna be pretty hard to get to as in modifications.

Yes you are right, the aim 120B has around 80 km’s i think and the R77 should have around 100 km’s but the R77 should lose it’s energy faster because of the fly traps on the back

Saying that maybe on F15C we will have to get AIM7M → AIM120B → AIM120C to get to the last one (excluding A as it was pretty much the same as B but buggy)

Russia mains should have for SU27(U?) smth like this: R27ET → R77 | kinda a big jump and russia didn’t make any other R77 that is less good per say.

It’s complicated.

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Yes that too, so its very hard to manage these differences and depending on how the devs see things, stuff will change drastically with any decision. The first 2-3 weeks are gonna be a disaster I can bet.

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AFAIK the IRST was mounted after MSIP, as we know it was also used to test AAM-4 and AAM-5 missile slaving.


The actual prob is, current only R-77 carrier we have ig is 29 SMT with 2 or Yak-141 with 4. Versus 6 AMRAAMs at 16C or 8 at 15J.

Yes the F15C can carry 8 amraams when the Su 27 can carry just 6 but the su 27 can carry 2 more missiles

Yes that’s another thing, but they still can’t let Russians have R77 and NATO only the earlier AMRAAMs. However they need to add more new jets or just newer versions so that’s not exactly the biggest issue here.

Singaporean F-15 for UK when? (slight sprinkle of sarcasm)


Joke Joke Joke
alert this is a joke

Our 27 cannot carry R-77. Its not 27SM.