Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I’m hoping it’s place holder for now. The engine also seems underpowered, and not at the 670hp that I’ve heard, but it’s hard for me to get good soruces on that

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I was just trolling

It’s ironic that China received a Soviet tree and a Chinese subtree lol

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China doesn’t really need a subtree, but a rework of the current lines; the PLA LTs branch mixed with ROCA vehicles and exports/prototypes is a meme at this point.

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Yep, I totally agree… though… Id argue our town-class Cruisers are our best. They struggle vs some stuff, but are usually able to hold their own. The real shame I find is the lack of any decent heavy cruisers. They all have worse protection than the Town-Class cruisers and they dont really have the fire-power to make up for it.

The Japanese case is strange. They could have received a Thai fighter instead of receiving a fantasy fighter…


They could get the Alpha jet as that is good with CAS


Actually getting afraid that this may end up not happening


I mean didn’t BvvD said he was researching a few countries which one he name was Hungary and earlier Poland.

So with them “trying” to fix the CAS issue and playing it save Thailand is the only option

Gonna be honest here, apart from hearing that name I have never ever seen anything BvvD posted or said

I think I’ll be playing some 9.3 simply cus I wanna unlock and enjoy the ZSU-23-4M4. It looks very promising and for some reason the Iglas feel great!

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He said things via interviews most of the time if not all

I’ll be pissed if that ZSU stays at 9.3, it should be 9.7 when compared to its competition

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:) be not afraid

Chinese light tree is looking like a dream. ZSL-92 is going to bring all the BF2 vibes back. So stoked.


Yeah I’m hoping someone made a list of any important comments he made…

Yep. You’d think they’d keep the original “not top tier” price and then slightly lower everything below that. As they’ve reduced their grinding potential of all the older vehicles due to adding another rank modifier.

I state again.

The Chinese tree will likely be by far the most interesting to me.


I think France should take one for the team here. Don’t want that thing anywhere near the USSR/Ru personally, lmao.

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Been so long since I flown the live version but test flight seemed more capable. I did push it till it snapped deliberately but belt faster

It is certain to me that the CV is a… weird choice for France, to say the least. I’m going to bet it was chosen mostly because the CV hull is already in the game, so it’s less work to implement a new vehicle. With all that said, there are bonds between the Netherlands and France that really are worth exploring.

Beyond the AMX 13 105, there’s also the Dutch Koolhoven F.K.58 that was flown by French pilots during the Battle of France in 1940.

And if the CV does indeed foresee the addition of an entire sub tech tree, I would be delighted to see the famous Fokker aircrafts being added to the French roster, such as the D.21, D.23 or the Fokker G.I.

Although taking the Hungarian tech tree for example, it will most likely be copy paste aircrafts before anything else.

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