Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

when we get Pereh with Tamuz missiles ill be content :)

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Fair enough for testing I guess, but even if the range difference is barely anything it should still be represented.

I think he said that the formula 2 GP, in Japan, will not happen because a grippen armed with aim120… sorry I missed that part.

The race moves to the Thailand circuit.

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Oh hell yeah, more real fake tanks

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I think my favourite thing about this update is the new tac view.

  • First it looks cool
  • it’s quite useful to understand why a missile failed (and what a missile is “doing”, both in terms of energy and tracking).

My 2 cents :

  • i wish we could track missiles directly, instead on having to rely on free view
  • i hope it isn’t restricted to air only and can be used in ground and naval replays too (ok naval may not need it for now)
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Might be better to put this kind of thing in the devserver section, you might get a response from the devs that way.

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So… no one will mention that Italy received a new heavy cruiser, the RN Bolzano, but other than that, how’s everybody?

I mean, most people don’t care much about ships in WT

Gotta say, pretty hyped for the Bucc S2B and the Alpha Jets, but other than that the dev server content is a rather smelly so far

Its just another Trento, nothing to write about.

The great shame of naval, is that the devs dont really either. It has some real potential, but needs some pretty major ground up overhauls.

Im personally hoping they totally overhaul Martels. Buc Seems kinda pointless currently, but at least the Gr7 has MAWS now, just hoping some other things get finished over the next few weeks. Even little things like the Sea harrier cockpit

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I don’t usually test stuff on the dev servers and didn’t watch the dev stream, are the Martels acting like Mavericks like I thought or what’s wrong with them?

Where’s it at?

Based upon the dev stream, just 5-10km TV guided missiles that miss easily. Nothing new or interesting about them. The Buc S2B is looking to be a bit of downgrade to the Jaguar Gr1A for 10.3 CAS imstead of equal but different.

But Flame is already on the case;

Hell yeah! I love shooting them down too, especially when I’m saving a teammate. Glad they’re considering it.

Welcome to USSR/Ru CAS experience from 10.0-12.3 (11.7 SM3 will be the first exception)!

Yeah… if they don’t get the advanced guidance they really are pretty pointless, huge bummer

True, though the Su-25s are hella tanky and have a lot of CMs. Buc S2 rips if you pull too hard and only has 30 CMs. Not too mention the Su-25s carry a LOT more weapons

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Not my image though

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Fair enough.

the cope lives

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Yeah, there should be a few more overhaul to naval. One frustrating thing about naval especially RB is how easy it is to trigger a snowball, especially at higher BRs, and the first batch of hydroplanes or PT boat rushing caps pretty much determines the outcome, and if that failed even the most skilled players struggle to turn the tide. Spawning is another issue, everyone would almost always began engaging right off the spawn.
There are also some things that are impossible to fix, such as almost gaurnteed wins of the higher class of ship - battleship crushes CA, which crushes CL and so on. This is however, what happened historically.