Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Hopefully SPAA, probably AH-1W


For now.

dev up?

Yeah I am not complaining cause all of them (except the F-20) are the SAME vehicles you have already in the tech tree
And because without all those premiums you would not have updates each 3 months
Ah, and because I work, I have the money to buy them, maybe you could try finding a job…


As expected. Italy’s got an exclusive American plane and missile now

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tis crazy i know

that was in the stream?

To get people to watch both, probably to justify it dev streams to upper management

the US stream yeah

whoa … DCS

tac veiw



Replay feature is pretty cool ngl

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start using metric then i could even respect your opinion /s

tf is that supposed to be

skill issue

I don’t really care for it TBH. I am hyped up for the features, not for the new shiny.
The stream was short. The accurate leaklist shown more vehicles. The update is far away still and it’s a tradition they don’t show everything beforehand. It’s only logical the A-6E will come.

Replay feature and fuel toggle is the only W from this update imo


Coool you can now see what you don wrong