Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

And all the other free vehicles what?? hjaha you don’t make any sense

No canadian leo for the UK :P

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English and russian streams got swapped around, it’ll be after the Russian one probably

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I wont hold my breath and if im wrong ill admit it but I know im not

Wallet Strike


Only new Thing I saw was the Mavericks lol

You are the one not making sence here, everyone is complaining about the amount of premiums except you.

no needed IFV either kill me

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I doubt they shown most of whats to come. Probably just 1/4 of the stuff only really. The update is what, 3 weeks away? A-6E will come for sure.

They switched places with the Russian stream. So it should open after the Russian one is done.

Blast-Frag Mavs LFG!!!

Watch USA not get them on anything


Seems they flipped the order of the English and Russian streams. The Russian one is usually first.

this one got major hope


Maybe a10c is coming?

Yeah, i also dont understand why?

Israeli blackhawk with thermal zoomed camera and 16 spikes: 11.7

US blackhawk with no zoomed camera and no spikes: 11.7



Do we know what the mystery US vehicle is yet?

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No not yet, but i’m curious

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Who tought was a good idea to shown some veichles only in the Russian stream?

Oxy said that they were only added for the Hungarian gripen