Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Seperate barebones render for replays, gives info on locks, position of enemies, missiles (overload, speed, max speed, attack angle). Looks sick, like something out of DCS



I already have a degree in chemistry and currently getting a second bachelor for a masters degree, what did you achieve?
And Shut up, i work 20 hours a week and study 40.
So dont be demeaning.

And should? So it was clear that this was a premium tank for Germany, since Abrams and Challenger 2 were added in the previous update)

Interesting how a French SPAA with 1x20mm is 5.7 but a German SPAA with 4x30mm is 6.0 xD


tacview like dcs

oh it’s for replays only?



Best thing this update


most intelligent french main


Honestly fuel sliders and cockpits for the apache is for me.

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US A-10 and RU Su-25 with all-aspect missiles and huge loadout options including an abundance of guided munitions 10.0.

German and French Alpha Jets with no guided ammo and no air-to-air missiles 9.0, well within the MM spread.

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german SPAA Wiesel MK with 1x 20mm is 7.3

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Hopefully will help diagnose the wacky sparrows atm lmao

you would think that but see because it goes off of win rate and the uk often gets paired with america or germany their win rates wont go down so it will stay at that br

too real

They’re 9.0?

Nope, just a German 1934A destroyer given to France as war reparation after the war.

I saw a blinded man.

The TURMS is sooooo done lmao. The UD, with the same price, with even better reward ratios, while being better on most fronts, is at the same BR.

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oh rip well still a boat I guess lol