Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

By the way, not a Swedish main, but don’t they have a right to be upset here regarding Gripen C not coming this patch?

Consider that several nations already have top tier jets that could get fox 3s once they drop. They would not need to research a plane, research all of its modifications AND also research the fox 3s

Russia has Yak-141 and Mig-29SMT
US has F-16C
France has Mirage 2000-5F
Italy has F-16A
China has J-8F
UK has Gripen C

You could already have those planes researched and spaded, and immediately get their fox 3 missiles once they drop.

However for Sweden mains, they would need to research the JAS39C, purchase it, grind out the modifications, and then also grind out the fox 3 modification. This would mean that they would suffer through the grind while everyone else is slinging fox 3s at them.


The Radar set it has many part based on blue vixen couldn’t fire skyflashes but highly doubt the A could

I believe the gripen a can at least. Otherwise sweden would have gotten rid of their skyflash before the gripen c.

No they really don’t as it wasn’t said 100% it will be in this update

Well, forget about whether or not they promised it’s coming this patch. The fact remains that they would have to suffer through more grind to get fox 3s when everyone else is already prepped and ready to go once fox 3s get here. It doesn’t change the overall equation of the grind.

That more depends on if they add more aircraft to the BR the SA Gripen is currently gapfilling, if they don’t then it 's not likely to see any changes.

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No because that what started this all off in the first place

I personally don’t think it can, however, as I said, it’s disputed. A lot of the specifics are still classified, so we can’t know for sure.

yeah but the C on the other hand 100% couldn’t

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Indeed, as I said.

The point being here is that the Gripen C for Sweden should have been added for awhile now, and not alongside Fox 3s being dropped. Doesn’t really matter too much if it came this patch, last patch, or two patches ago, so long as Swedish mains have time to grind it to be prepared for fox 3s which could have been just one modification grind.

but i doubt they will remove them
im still waiting for it to get its proper radar

I reckon they won’t simply to extend the grind to the RB99, like they’ve done with giving AIM-9Ps to the Barak II.

maybe depends if they give AMRAAMs to the SAAF one

We’ll have to wait and see.

So does that mean the British mains can have something else then if the SAAF Gripen doesn’t get fox-3 ?

If the ZA Gripen gets A-Darters, it would be quite the powerful jet, event against ARH missile carriers.

I suppose so.

It would also mean that British mains would be shafted in that they’d have to grind a whole new plane, purchase it, purchase the beginning modifications all the way down just to get the fox 3 modifications while other countries do not have to suffer through the same grind.

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i doubt they do that

Cries in F4F ice