Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Gaijin will because they want moneh, of course, just giving a BR range of 13.0-14.0 for fox3 carriers would be the best idea.


Decompressing the max BR to 16.0 for air and 15.0 for ground is ideal.

That don’t go to past a Centurion

Once again, irrelevant.

That is like 5 paradox DLCs.

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I thought that it was another currency. But 75€ is way to much. ATM I am playing helldivers which costs 40€ with much more hours of fun compared to 1 single plane

if doesn’t fill out tree its a problem


yo imagine, truly blessed honestly

That is your problem. Again, Britain can fill out the top tiers perfectly fine without any help. Vehicles from another nation are not needed.

Bruh $75? No thx I’d rather buy Baldur’s Gate 3.


A single vehicle (usually C&P) costs more the a triple A game…

What direction is this game going at?

You should buy Dishonored and Dishonored 2.

If gaijin really wants to milk the last drip of South Africa, the 120mm mockup cannon on the TTD should be far more realistic than a certain F-16 or a certain sushi ferdinand.

OK then what was the point of the sub tree if Britain can fill it just fine

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It’s rank VIII 😂

i mean not really? I would have preferred something that give me a more competitive tank at top tier, which isnt to bad now with the challenger 3TD but still

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I have already answered this question.

I want my rooikat sam

And why do we get a Top top tier premium.

I thought Gaijin said they won’t do that with max br.