Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

The reason for the delay is important to note though, which is that there won’t be any differences (No AIM-120s coming this patch), and that would just make it a copy paste with same weaponry.

Then why make the announcement to quell a rage mob?

Fine with me, serves my point more tbh.

One person complaining isn’t exactly a rage mob… most people understand that these things are subject to change.


I’m not a rage mob. The rage mob was after gripen c was announced for UK and not sweden. How long have you been around again?

I guess that rage mob doesn’t exist anymore. Problem solved itself.

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Dude just calm it you ruining the thread for everyone else

All I’ve gathered from this is that the snail in all of it’s glorious wisdom cant be trusted to hold even basic, fully spelled out commitments. Which to be fair, i already knew.

Because of a lie.

I have a theory where the person posting “chinese leaks” is actually behind it and is trolling us.

Someone correct me but they never promised Gripen C to come this patch did they? Only stated that they planned to add it this patch, which is different.

Again , that got resolved because gajin decided to give sweden an upgraded A variant which is equal to the C

Change in plans is not a lie

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They did.

Ok, however its not coming. Time to get over it.

Could you provide a screenshot please?

Well, considering Leclerc is modelled with prototype armor, cause the T1s sent to Sweden had prototype armor, and that’s what they used to model Leclerc in-game, I don’t imagine a prototype Leclerc would have less protection than the Leclerc that’s already in-game. So, even a prototype Leclerc prem would theoretically be the same br as well. We would have to get the production armor package for the tech tree Leclercs to have a chance of a lower br prototype.

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@Ruskie_Turtles ok, you are right, you deserve to know the truth and I will tell you the truth. It was delayed because they are giving it to Italy in this update, as something exclusive.

have it here, they did say first patch initaly, but it pretty much got upgraded since they gave sweden and upgraded A variant


No Italy will end with the Mig-29