Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

what’s up with all the ancient armored cars being posted?

But they were a German puppet and then a Soviet one like how else were Hungary going to get it’s domestic stuff.

People want more sub trees and then complain when they do. I say be carful to what you wish for.

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Oh nothing just some fun

Key statement: “like Israel”

T-14? Isn’t that the modern tank with the Sla.16 derivate engine?

that a 20mil with drum mag?

oh noez.

Yes to the first part. No to the second part.

@Smin1080p will there be a tech tree, AIM-120 capable F20A model or is this it for the Tigershark in the game?

I just want desert camo for the tanks on the mig eater Tornado Gr1 skin

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They didn’t even announce any domestic hungarian aircraft bruh

lolwat? Gripen C with AMRAAMs won’t be 12.7 dude, it’ll be 13.0 - 13.3.
So no, your post is inherently wrong.



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Yep was made in gotland 1937 (part of sweden)

thank you, I know basic geography

Or its an AKAN m/40

Probably more. I think it would 13.7

That’s because they don’t have any Jesus

Look you never know with people here XD

not yet, no

hopefully we’ll get them tho


None? That’s weird, I’ve seen a couple online…