Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Come here, big boy !


Like what else were they going to get ?

minor mistakes and the heil could of changed during development

And i bring you the Swedish TOAD or “Paddan” in swedish XD



Why does it look like it is suppose to run on train tracks then on a road? XD

I wouldnt say that they missed those, both vehicles did get into the game in other iterations, minor mistakes like those doent mean much

I know but still. It’s great seeing those Hungarian tanks in the Italian tank branch, but the other side of the coin is also seeing Russian planes in the Italian air tree. I think I wish Hungary was added as a sub-tree instead, like Israel…

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I knew this is what you meant when you said a more modern variant, any chances we’ll see the Su-25TM with Its full unrestricted armament choices?

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Because this thing was used between 1930-1945 and is a car that wants to be a armoured train XD

Domestic stuff like the Aermacchis?

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all we know is thermals

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But…Hungary was added as sub-tt…

Id say the hawk shouldnt be too far, trainers fit the need of warthunder as a lower end cas with CCIP and rwr but worst loadout in pure weight

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Not satisfied until you have T-14 in Germany. ;)

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I believe it is mentioned in the latest roadmap that they intend to upgrade some of the crew models to fit modern vehicles in the future updates.

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LCAs and advanced trainers are long overdue, it’s nice to finally see the Alpha Jet, but only that being added in an Update basically named after said Jet is kinda lame

Hopefully Yak-130 too, it would be fun to see it in game as well.

Yeah there were so many options

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T-14 in Germany? Or part of Germany’s tech tree? Lol.

And have this thing that looks like it fell out of the kitchen

