Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

And? Gaijin thought that the f14 on launch was fine with aim 54s and an excellent radar, still have a positive kd in both and look where they are. Again until we see the performance of the missiles im doubtful gaijin will increase the air rb br’s. We all knew 12.3 was dumb and the new stuff should be 12.7 but they didnt until later.

@Smin1080p challenger 2 mantlet this season or next?


Non was the wrong word but in terms of war thunder it’s very little.
Most people would by pass them or just say meh.

What br do you think alpha jet will be 9.0? 9.3?

In Hungary, Mig-29s were in version “B”, not “A”

Click me uwu

didn’t look through it but that was posted here a while ago

It would be nice if some more de Havilland Mosquito variants could be added. The iconic bomber variant would be a welcome addition.


Besides ill just be playing the better gripens until then, which arent found on the swedish tree. I said it before sweden air has nothing to offer. If i want good deltas ill play my mirage’s, if i want a good grippen ill play the british and soon italian one.

Even if they are few and far between, you would expect them to at least mention them in the announcement for the subtree

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Again seems like zero new WWII stuff except for maybe more copy paste. sigh


You’re misreading actions.
AIM-54s aren’t lethal against semi-competent pilots, which is why of the 3 - 4 launched on my Mirage 3C [no RWR] none killed me.
AIM-54s aren’t comparable to AARHs.

I’m hoping that can come in June. Would have radically different air and ground BRs

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“I AM THE TANK CAR” Said the Fm/31



Yea true though they props not ready yet as they are more unique.

We almost had to want for the next update after fire and ice.
As we almost lost the BT-42 and the Vickers. but thankfully they made it in time

what’s with the random piece of iron?

Like i said until we see their performance im skeptical. Gainin said 9m was inferior to r73, welp not in warthunder. Once we see how they handle then ill have a good opinion on it but if they behave anything like aim 54’s in warthunder then meh wont be worth carrying over 9m’s because of how matches go.

Its the Tank car!

In fact Great Britain never Alpha Jet

Personally, I think it might be Folland Gnat & BAE Hawk from Great Britain demonstrator and Indian Air Force (IAF) coming to UK tech tree in the future


Stolen from our Kolohousenka.

Change my mind

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yes didn’t know that. Its weird to see a warsaw pact country using 9.12B