Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

even worse than the 9.12A?

gon have be a MiG-23 by then

please send me a picture of the alpha jet’s weapons

and even f5s can carry amraams but whatever, those dont need it but why add f20 without amraams, no purpose

Nope, just a huge variety of other CAS and multirole aircraft :)


“anti everything” Lmao

It’s just another top light for Russia when some country still don’t have any.

Even China getting and IFV now, France still 0 :(

Hey smin what’s your favorite vehicle your anticipating (other than the buccaneer, from the blog) that’s been shown in the trailer or announced?

probably, I mean I couldn’t find anywhere that they could carry different weapons

just that the Luftwaffe said they only bought dumb Bombs and Rockets for it

If you about teaser, you have mixed up it with chinese ifv, which has gun system from bmp3

bit too direct

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The CTA 40mm is too strong

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God, I was so stupid, I didn’t know that Russian CAS didn’t have thermal.

Just curious man ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Oh, ok, looks so Russian even the green xD

yeah, you heard that right. Russian 10.0 line-up is broken aff

hooray, RU players can stop whining about not having T-pod CAS

Of course Italy is getting both the Mig-29 AND Gripen, getting one wasn’t enough, especially not with the amount of top tier planes Italy already has

Super hyped for the Alpha Jets tho

Some already have 40mm, some light also have canon with stab, where are ours ?

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@Smin1080p Wanted to just say thank you, the teaser team, and everyone else who worked to make the F-20 a reality in WT. You made my year with this


Hungary is a Warsaw pact country. So they used 9.12A