Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Most likely nothing. I would say last wednesday is more of an anomaly, perhaps with things to deal with XMAS break.


To me, it comes down to who the vehicle is coming from. A C&P from the main nation of the tree is fine like a British Sherman.

But things like in Indian T-90 are exactly bad ones.

Yes, this is that same guy asking for CF-18 and Canadian Leo in the UK but I did that because it was the easiest way to get the Canadian stuff in the same place at the time. I’d rather have a Canadian TT at the end of the day.


I mean, I see the argument in some cases.

US has valid alternatives that could be placed at similar BR, I’d rather have some variety than so much of the same when possible.

M3A3 Stuart for example: US doesn’t need it, so why give it? Gives other trees some flavor.
Unfortunately with the M3A3 example it spread to several other trees, but you get my point.

The designer of this got shot by Stalin just for interest. Not in one of the purges but the accusation is wasting resources.

Well I am sure if I am Stalin at the time I mightve shot him too

Yeah. I heard from someone that it may end up as a GE prem, which has me a bit more worried than if it were a preorder

The SKink is a bad example. It is a Canadian SPAA but on the Canadian build Sherman tested by Canada and the UK.

The US’s only claim is that they made the original blueprint.


I would say it is a GE premium, there are 3 packs for the US already. I would still have a strong incentive about thinking it in the form of being proposed to Taiwan(and Taiwan was considering the F-20 to replace its F-5 fleet) and given to China. Still, gaijin wont need to make a new F-20 just for milking off China mains, a local upgraded F-5E would already suffice.

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So what? The SK105 was added to the French tree for the same reason. The basis for the Skink was developed from a US vehicle and the Skink itself used US built components.

So no Teaser trailer.
Sleeper Update

Ignoring who made modifications to vehicles goes against how the game works.
Else we wouldn’t have Israel.


Surcouf goes underwater.

Surcouf yeet torps.

Boat goes underwater against its will.

I wonder about the recoil btw, did the ship do a 180° ?

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Israel is a tree in the game. Canada is not.

Clone army of M48 and M60

Are we showing off big guns attached to small vessels?
LORD CLIVE monitors (8, 1915)
HMS Lord Clive with an 18 inch

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i feel like ship would turn 90 degree when it would shoot

And this one for France :p



The first 5.0 coastal?
And yes monitors should absolutely be a thing in this game. They are as retarded as they look but imagine a destroyer rushing cap on B and walking onto a twin BL 9.2 inch.




Teaser in a bit, maybe? God willing!!

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You missed the german one