Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Nope. Most likely tomorrow.

ik i’m missing a ton, just searched ‘Sherman’ in the in-game thing

Literally every nation in the game has a sherman

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That’s besides the point.

Besides, why take away from potential future additions?
It’s an unfortunate thing that already happens, but it isn’t something to be strived for.

My point exactly.
Though given, I think Israel will have a much brighter future once their TD line gets expanded.


This has me a bit concerned about it’s weaponry load, however: if it just got 9Js and 7Fs, that’d be a pretty good in-between for the F-5E and F-16As at like 11.3.
It would be like the first fighter-class GE premium with good performance to get 9Ls, especially when the F-4S doesn’t have them.
It’s gonna be interesting to see what happens…

  1. The US parts isn’t an argument.

  2. The thing was it served the 1 Canadian army which was attached to the British army at the time in Europe. Sure I might have been more will if it didn’t see combat but in this case, the US had nothing to do with it at all.


The Skink is different and a terrible example to give, Britain had orders for the Skink and trialed them. The US had nothing to do with the project, there’s other options for US AA if gaijin can be arsed to add them. Saying the Skink should be in the US tree is kinda like saying all the tanks with L7s (leopard, M60, & M1 for example) should be in the British tree cause the UK designed the guns


The golden phrase. US tree doesn’t have SPAA gaps because there aren’t options. It doesn’t have SPAA because gaijin hasn’t bothered to add them.

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I need a teaser

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The UK had orders for skinks too, just got cancelled cause the RAF & the 8th kinda kept the luffwaffe in Germany via merc’ing them

France and Britain receiving 3 low-mid tier SPAA before the US got even one is a joke

I would say sane as UK and France waiting for IFV and Light tanks, Israel also have quite few…same as SPAAs


The Tigershark and Merk have me thinking it’s gonna be GE prems, feel like they would have showed up by now. Although Merk might just not be shown if it’s not presentable or in a ready state, might even still be working on its unique APS potentially

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Same reason the US air tree goes from F-80 > F104 > F-5E > F16 or why there’s nothing between the Canberra and F105

(I want my century series Gaijin for the love of god)




I would not say AIM-9Ls were not an option they are considering. AIM-7M+AIM-9L, to be more specific. But lets see what will happen, like lets look at the Su-39, Kopyo! Vikhr! TV guided AGM! IRCM! Everyone was scared of them, turns out its really mid.

“You see comrade, when ship fire it become helicopter capitalist will not know what hit them”

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doesn’t sink from firing


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based recoilless rifle chad

the only real answer to this

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