Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

9.3 it’s fine. 2 bases of bombs, flares.
A-6, A-10, and Su-25s all do fine without the air spawn.
You know the reason for air spawn being removed is A-7s ending matches in 90 seconds right?

exactly, it’s a hidden gem

many players ignore it, it carries all major CAS weapons of all German WWII planes with the exception of Torpedos and Fritz-X

without Secondary armarment it’s still a nice plane, after all it’s an A8 Derivate

They only used the 9.12s (and UBs, but those are pointless), what’s the point of giving them those when they have the Tornado ADV and F-16 ADF already

On the other hand, the only reason for them to get a Gripen would be to have a fighter with GBUs, because they won’t need it as a ARH platform

@Smin1080p any good news for french top-tier naval?

More like any worthy competitive top tier. F-16A ADF is good, but Italy is the only nation without 12.3 or 12.7 in the entire game.


All MiG-29 9.12/13s ingame are 12.0 as well

could easily get a MiG-29G like 9.12A tho

Even with normal R-27 I’d argue it’s deserving of 12.0. Especially since direct competition like the F-16ADF should go up in the future if it gets 120s.


Tbf all 12.0 ones should have the ER removed by now, should just have a later foldered variant with both 73 and ER in my personal opinion. Multiple different 29s at different BRs is something I would love to see, since you can just choose what play style and be range your feeling like enjoying for the day. Options and variety are very much welcome from me.

Give it R-73s and call it a day, 12.7 worthy. These shouldnt be gimped versions since they are not exports but a compensation package from Russia.

Remember people:

Whether you like it or not Italy has Hungary and now will get all their tech. (C&P or not)


I can’t find anything about Hungary upgrading their MiG-29s tho, so the ones they could get are 9.12As, not Gs

If they give it 12.7 worthy equipment, then why would they need a Gripen?

R-73 but only R-27R/T that would make it unique. A and G should be in that state as well.

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Now all we need is the South African Buccaneer with its glide bombs, and Rato booster.


More rooikats would not hurt either…
Rooikat 35 zt3


Rooikat predator 30mm


Rooikat 35 command (like japanese RCV)

Mbombe - 8 57mm (wheeled 2s238)


Bismarck heavy Rooikat with Olifant Mk-1B turret (Finally in the UK tree)


Olifant Optimum



The gripen can come later, because if gaijin introduces the Hungarian gripen(C), what will the Sweden mains think then. They are also two distinct aircrafts despite all carrying potent IR missiles and being very agile. The gripen can carry AGMs, GBUs while the MiG gets better SARH missiles.
Italy also has no GBU CAS in forms of a fighter, hell, not even unguided bombs and rockets, the ADF and ADV only has cannons.

And RG-31 Ibululu)




@Smin1080p sorry for the ping, but if we will be able to datalink guide the Martels can that same feature be added to the A-7E with it’s AGM-62As? Those did support the same feature and would make the plane very relevant again as it isn’t in a good spot balance wise, at all.

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Those all carry guns and more/better missiles meaning they can proxy as a fighter, they also tend to have decent dogfight capabilities, unlike the bucc.

And again, the 9.3 is fine… (but still if you go bomber mode, you usually have to go and wait for the bases to respawn) this 1 wont be 9.3… And none of the planes you mentioned go base bombing from my experience in air RB or if they do, its very rarely. I usually just see them strapped with guns and missiles. This is mostly because fighters will reach them first anyway.

Also the a7 ending it, do you really think the buccaneer will be ending games in 90 seconds? It isnt an A7, it isnt the Harrier strike meta… lol.

edit: as a perspective, the Jaguar GR1/A is often beaten to bases, and that will get there far quicker then the Bucc S2B will.

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A-6 doesn’t have integral guns.
And Su-25 is the only decent dogfighter. Bucc is easily as good as the other two, and only slightly worse than Su-25 but is faster than the Su-25.

If I full stack 4 Buccs with an air spawn I guarantee that match is over before the enemy is to their own bases.