Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yeah that’s true ain’t it, forgot it was barely shown in the teaser, I practically would have forgotten about the thing had they not made it the thumbnail. (But it still ended up being the poster boy in other areas I guess, even if it wasn’t the trailer that gave it the spotlight, so that must have been what made me forget.)

So with the addition of the Bucc S2B, TEC brought up a good point in his video I didnt think on, would gaijin consider returning air spawn for grond attack planes like the Bucc so they can actually have a viable chance in air RB?

The vast majority of other planes can carry a similar bomb load to the Bcc and can reach and go through mach 1 while doing so, its going to be extremely slow as a 10.3/7/11.0 plane (as its between jaguar GR1a and Tornado GR1) and I doubt anyone will complain if the Bucc was given an air spawn closer to the ground targets so they could actually do the 1 single job they really have in Air RB (while it can make a funi fighter moment it simply isnt its job).

Even in a full downtier, it will be beaten to the bases by fighters with light bomb loads, so feels like it might be worth considering.

Uh, no.
Both the fighters here has no CAS attack capabilities whatsoever, which is the worse in the entire game. - Even worse than Germany.
AV-8B is okay, while the IDS 1995 is just the same IDS.

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It is the youtube thumbnail after all. The pantsir is rather boring to look at.

I said “tree”, not “top tier lineup”, didn’t I?

Bucc is fine with ground spawn. - Bucc player.

Well, that is where Italy lacks the most. It also needs a high-end CAS labelled, well, CAS, and a few choices to tier 7.


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Fw-190 F-8 alone is godlike CAS at a BR the Italians have none

Below then is even worse just one aircraft per br that is not yet another F-104

They hella aint gonna get both a MiG 29 and a Gripen


why not?

probably not immediately but they surely can

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P-47D-30 is still a solid CAS, but there are indeed no CAS-labeled aircrafts 4.0-7.7.

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P-47 D-30 got nothing against the SC1000 or MK103 + SC500 equipped F-8

Oh they will.

The 9.3 is… not amazing for it, its okay, but not amazing.

This will be a 10.3 plane minimum, meaning everything around it is a supersonic plane pretty much with a lot of chance of the bigger maps showing up for it for a longer travel time.

Add on top the redic length of the respawn of the bases, its going to be a struggle bus to grind the useful weapons without it.

let’s hope the Hungarian MiG-29 gets only Regular R-27 and R-60 at a lower BR than the others

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Eh idk i never played it so i dont know how it works, maybe because it doesnt have 800 rounds of MG151 bruh(and i dont play Germany)

Apparently a leaker said mig-29 only/it’s the end of the line vehicle in the subtree, might have to dig through this thread to find that statement tho

They will get R-27R/T without ER/ET whilst still at 12.0. Because Italy.
More realistically speaking, R-27R/T with R-73 isnt a bad idea as well.