Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

diy sturm tiger


That’s what he means, it’s already 1am in America

So “tomorrow” would be Thursday

Alrighty now to leave this going for a while XD

There is a topic for this man, it’s off topic for here

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Well fair ig

Looks like a giant firework

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He said teaser today (Wednesday) and stream tomorrow (Thursday).

In all likelihood we will see Teaser tomorrow (Thursday) and Stream the day after (Friday)

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Does anybody have a link to the Russian War thunder website?

I assume your talking about the orange leaks right? All he said is that our questions will be answered on the 29th, which makes me think dev stream. If that’s the case, then we could even see the teaser today, but we’ll know soon enough

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Okay everybody What do you think the Update will be named XD

Honestly kinda hard to guess a theme from the leak list. Nothing really stands out to me, but maybe a new feature could be added like ECM pods, and that would be the theme

I was talking about someone who asked if we’ll get the teaser today. I replied that it’s usually Thursday that we get a teaser.

Usually yeah, tho the dev season has been wacky

JF-210 my beloved



Oh, what US fear of the Japanese economy has taken from us…


With such a solid leaklist it doesn’t feel like that.
Otherwise I wouldn’t be holding my breathe for anything.

All the more makes me believe Gaijin leaks stuff on purpose. Almost every update there just happens to be a pretty decent leaklist. Maybe people like Chinese leaker, orange guy or Olivia don’t really realise and they are being fed, also maybe they are in on it.

Eitherway, happy we get the leaks and I consider them part of dev season.


I definitely don’t complain. I like to be prepared, so these lists help me think of what I’ll want to get when the update drops

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Ah yes, the 1980~1990, when Japan so strong that US forced them to sign an unequal-treaty to let the Japan shoot themselves in the foot.

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It will proopably be air related, just like sky guardians and Wind of Change …

Shining horizon ?

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