Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Question, I think I already know the answer, but the Iglas we have in game are already the best version produced yeah?

with the ka-50 you should get a laser warning the moment shkval ranges and locks up a target. Missile launch the beam will be spinning too widely around the target atleast at longer ranges, which would prevent a constant second laser warning system warning. However the laser tightens down at range since the missile gets further and the guidance requirements change, so a few seconds before the impact you should get another, constant warning.

If the Fox does lack the sabot rounds. Im actually wondering if it could be lower. Like 6.3/6.7 ish?

Yeah it’s the exact same gun.

No laser range finder or thermals though.

53mm pen APHE and 110mm APDS

Sabot as in APFSDS or APDS?

It will certainly get APDS

APDS. If it gets that then, yeah, it might be usable.

Though would still be a shame that their response to “give britain top tier IFVs” is to add something at BR7 ish.

At least its a BR range we dont actually have any other IFVs in yet

I guess if you count the Ratel 20 we kind of do, but that’s well… a Ratel…

I really doubt they would not give it APDS, that’s basically the entire point of the RARDEN cannon

If the Fox is like 6.7-7.3 then we dont really, Thats 8.3 alongside the warrior.

The Vickers Mk11 at 8.7 felt kinda pointless with Rooikats at 8.3 and 9.0 that do the same job

Also, something I wanted to talk about but keep forgetting to bring up, the stats for the ZSU-23-4M4
According to multiple sources, it has better optics, improved radar, and a laser warning system, but whenever I see pics of it, the only thaing I can tell for certain is that it has 4 iglas. The Radar looks the same(changes could be internal) the optics look the exact same(maybe also internal changes?) And I definitely do not see a laser warning system for the vehicle.
Maybe some stats are being conflated with the Belarusian variant?

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should not make sense on tanks such as, PUMA, Type 10, ZTZ99A, Challenger 3, Challenger 2 Black Night, Ariete AMV, Freccia, KF41, CV90120, and all Merkava MK4’s since all those have newer LWS that can detect low intensity laser such as beam riding

I definitely agree, but it’s how gajjins decided to handle the issue

No, there is the 9K338 Igla S (2004) with improved seeker and range (6km vs current 5km). Maybe the incoming Shilka will feature those over the conventional Igla.

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am gonna call you “kirchnerist” people from argentina from a stupid political party that are brain damaged. am gonna say to you “No la ves” (you dont see it) :)

Then maybe we could get this iglas as an option for the ZSU-23-4M4 considering how modern it is.

Is the seeker still caged like the ones in game?

I think 6.7-7.3, it depends a lot on how gaijin implement the gun handling imo and turret traverse.

TBH the big thing for me would be if we finally get a good belt split on the APSE and HE rounds, I dont want 50% of my APSE belts to be pointless on it like currently with Warrior. Would make it massively more useful vs light armour if the APSE rounds werent screwed by wasting ammo for fighting light enemy tanks.

ESP given it has what, 96 rounds? Imagine having to give up 50% of that to forced HE ammo.

I always thought the Warrior had a pure APDS belt and a pure APHE belt?

edit: NVM i checked and it’s APHE and HE belt, yeah having a pure APHE belt would be lovely

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Not completely sure, there not much technical information about the Igla S compared to the original variant.

Yup, the funny thing is the APHE round looks overall to be a good round for dealing with light armour too, just self punishing to take due to the HE element.

Yeah, it’s a great round which does a ton of damage when it pens.

I believe it’s the same round the falcon uses

The Ratel 20 is 6.7, not 8.3.