Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Oh those Ratels. The ZT3A2 is also a “Ratel”

He specifically mentioned the Ratel 20, but okay.

The true Shilka that the soviets deserve


I dont really pay attention to the SA line. So I dont really know whats on it.

The only “Ratel” I know off the top of my head is the ZT3A2 at 8.3.

Okay but why though?

The Ratel 20 at 6.7 has a 20mm gun identical to the Rh202, and a MILAN launcher.

Yep, So not entirely comparible to what the Fox would be, which is the same gun as the Warrior, but without the MILANs.

Yes, however IFVs in general were being talked about, not specifically Fox counterparts.

Yes… Though im guessing the Ratel 20s 20mm gun isnt exactly the reason for using it. Im guessing its main use is as a ATGM launcher.

Pretty much, however, like the Marder A1-, that 20mm can perform some brutal track and barrel torture.

Fair enough, though it does make me want the Ferret Mk5

we could do with a better ATGM launcher than what we have currently

That’s something I’ve wanted in game for a few years, also.

You forgot the CF-116 or CF-5. Canada also used F2H-3.

Tho personally I want the CP-107



Plus there are the trainers like CT-133 and CT-144 that could come. And yes I was able to confirm the CT-155 Hawk was armed.

Also, the CP-140 looks like it be a GRB hell craft.

There is also the CL-84 “Dynavert”. An experimental VSTOL from the 60s.



There are a lot of Aircraft that are built and have variants of. I’ve said this elsewhere but I’ll say it again.

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Equally bad but hey at least the barak 2 is cool(insert wargame israel main gibberish)

What information do you want to obtain from this? He has a list of past leaks and some trash talk inside

It’s okay, I’m trying to learn a more civilzied language in the meantime.


I just lost 60 minutes of my life and it wasn’t because of a missile talk.


Yeah all in al, i’d say Canada would make for an absolutely great subtree. But where would it go?

US? Too full
UK? CF-18 alongside Eurofighters since US will have F-15/16/18 and prob other stuff at this Br.

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Would be even cooler as a TT Can + Anzac


Verba has elements of both the Igla and Igla-S and was released in 2015.


9K333 Verba |

Do you see those little little blue bulbs in front of the shelf that hangs over those road lights? Maybe those?

The turret has a different shape, I’d assume there’s more room for electronics in the turret there. The hull has a bunch of crap hanging off of what should be flat next to the driver’s hatch.