Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

It’s not my problem if people take my beliefs personally. If someone chooses to argue with me, thats their problem that they wilfully opted for.

recently after the wrong weight of the PUMA apfsds was reported and accepted we got told that the bug was fowarded to be fixed for a next update together with some other ones and with the new merkava premium that has a system like this one so we tought it may be implemented this update

Fingers crossed then. Getting missiled is a nuisance at top tier

Tornado IDS vs Baz, barak II, Netz. In jets at least, at the moment, I’d say Israel is the stronger.

Helis, only if the Spikes are any good, but I rarely see either Italy or Israel if/when I play GRB. So I feels its kinda a mute point for both.

Like all minor nations. They are all equally bad

specially with the fact they recently made the VIKHIRS beam riding so now they dont trigger laser warning sensors

oh great. what about the laser range finder on the kamovs then that is actually operating constantly (which might be unrealistic?)

  1. The AV-8B+ is a better CAS platform than the Tornado IDS, and
  2. I said that Israel is stronger.

Pretty sure they were always beam riding, it’s just that now beam riding lasers don’t trigger LWR

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If the leak list was true and the FV721 Fox was coming this update, what BR do you all think it would be?

Personally I would guess around 7.0

It’s around the same speed and size as an R3T20 but with slightly better armour.

Its gun has 110mm of pen APDS, but it is not stabilised and has a low ROF.

However if its gun handing is anything like the Warrior it’s fast enough that it almost feels like you have a stabiliser

I think anything below 7.0 is going to be op, it can literally pen a Tiger from the front, but anything above it may be useless

6.7 or 7.0 is my guess.

Sub-sonic, makes it very vulnerable to SPAA, far more so than the Tornado. Its why the Tornado Gr1 or Gripen are vastly better than the Gr7 these days. Their speed trumps any extra weapons load the Harriers might have.

and you inferred that Israel was worse than Italy

It’s the same gun as the Warrior right? If so then 7.0-7.3 seems about right given how Gajjin places these thaings

IDK, the Tornado makes evading Pantsir missiles far easier.
Granted if no Pantsir, TOR, or VT-1 slinger is spawned, AV-8B is bliss.

Sounds about right. Especially with no Milans. Im guesisng somewhere between Tortoise/Conway and Swingfire

depends if it gets the apfsds, i remember some saying it never actualy used those

No, I did not. I said that Israels was better.
The six extra LGBs and significantly better manoeuverability makes it better in a lot of situations.

It generally should be determined on a case-by-case basis, however in more cases than not, the AV-8B+'s advantages trump the Tornados.

Considering that it’s gonna be lower than the warrior without a doubt, there’s now way I see it getting the APFSDS, and will just keep the same ammo already found on the warrior

APFSDS does exist for the 30mm RARDEN, it’s the same APFSDS as the Puma uses but with a bit less velocity

The Fox came well before it was ever made, only the Warrior and Scimitar could use it i think

Alt + Speed is usually the better defence than manoeuverability. Heck I keep getting swatted by Pantsir in the Gripen whilst pulling 12G+ turns. But the Tornado Gr1 is far more protected if you can climb high enough