Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

That will be annoying every time a friendly sam fires their missile


my missile warning system when i get spammed by an LAV’D

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The possibility to get a warning of relevant threats would be interesting and possibly something systems like trophy could do, atleast for atgm’s. Not sure about the kh-29t launched from atmosphere…

double it and give it to the next person

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Could you imagine being in a Tiger II and getting obliterated by a RZR with a TOW that would be brutal.

I need it

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This is a lot of words to say “I have no logic and a terrible understanding of probability” lmao

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Man you know gaijin isnt giving italy good stuff, even it is already the worst top tier nation.

I would like to direct your attention to Israel.

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CF-100, CF-101, CF-104, CF-18 and an Arrow.
Actually makes for a very sweet subtree tbh…

Arrow as event? Yeah, it has that vibe but so does the Yak-141 and M4K but those are TT so Gaijin does what Gaijin wants and I surely do hope Gaijin wants an Arrow.

Who needs guided missiles when you have this


Ik the PUMA can detect up to 70 degree angle above and -15 below idk about the ones found in the leclerc, strv122’s, and T90M

Baz & Barak II vs F-16A

Dont really know how either are doing in ground at the moment.

They were talking about ground, not air.

i wonder how this will be implemented. Have there been any rumours about it?

CAS can still make or break a ground line up. Britains ground tree is carried by our CAS most of the time.

Italy’s CAS is not much worse than Israels at top tier, so that doesn’t make a reasonable different here.

Same lol, adding him to the list of forum users that I don’t see, some people just can’t be helped, and wanna make it everyone’s problem