Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I only speak burger unfortunately:(

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Ytp for me lol

ah damn hoped u did , since you are such an amble supporter of the chinese tree

I’m just very interested in the Chinese tree these last few months, which is actually a great Segway for this:

Feel free to leave your thoughts and support:)


Also what did I miss, did we get new leaks or something???

i was not “denying the chinese guy leaks”, i said i personally won’t trust them at face value.

Not a thing. Some posts by Shini making things personal, and a wind down from that pretty much.
Minor disagreements about the legitimacy of the leaks as well.
After all, it’s everyone right to believe them or not.

Fun fact, those leaks was true. Oh well.

Oh, ok so nothing worth thinking about. I really don’t get why some people are so in denial of any and all leak. Yeah sure, we often start off with a bunch of fakes, but once a good source puts in a good list, and it’s starts getting proved right, that’s when I don’t understand why some people act so in denial about the list.

I’ve had the leak list saved for a bit, and I know it came out before the first devblogs, plus there’s no way you just randomly guess shit like the British helicopter or French SPAA, so we already have good reason to trust it. Idk whats up with people, maybe it’s mods on alts trying to speed doubt lol


it isnt even about this list, he didnt accept even the list for the last 2 updates, because the in his words the guy propably just edited them afterwards to be right, when everyone told him they didnt change

The guy believes +10 people are trying to psyop him and feeding him lies, i never saw the forum so united yet to just get sth in a dull persons head


I am curious who the legitimate owner of RazerVon is.
Dude should’ve just changed his account name to that instead of hiding behind a rules violation.

who’s denying it lol?

No one. Simbad is just not believing it.
No one has claimed it’s fake, AKA denying it, in the last hours of discussion.

sth simbadumb, got him blocked now like alvis, didnt lead anywhere

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When i have 3 people misinforming me, i will definetly trust the same people who are making claims to me.
For example, i had 3 people tell me that the website they linked contains a feature where editing will show up (similar to this forum), however, one of them then posted a screenshot of wikipedia that says complete opposite, that you cant even edit posts, however this claim lacked any citing as the screenshot showed. Then the 2 others said that the feature they claimed to exist can’t be shown by them because they don’t know chinese and they don’t know how the website works, so when someone makes false claims for the sake of their argument, my default will be not believing them.
Additionally, i was ready to take up on someones offer of seeing the discord itself as proof and they claimed that i would not believe it, however as i agreed to prove them wrong, however the person who made that claim refused despite making the initial claim, again.
So, through these facts that are verifiable, and receiving a bunch of harassment as “counter arguments” (you can scroll up to see), you probably understand where my skepticism comes from wether someone is right or not.
When i question something as per the topic, i’m met with made up information and harassment.
Also, there were a bunch of conspiracies like them saying that i am a “undercover developer”, and “alt account of alviswisla”. Even the chinese guy initially in agreement with them called these guys drunk, lol.

that explains a lot lol

Here’s what an edit looks like on Discord BTW:
Not my post, just a random user’s post that was edited.

Man B2 centauro
Maybe its coming next year?

I would suspect it coming this year, i heard they were interested in focusing on light vehicles. Couple more updates to come?

me when working Missile warning systems for ground vehicles

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