Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

that is what it implies in the context what i replied to.

Oooh yeah. Vulcan would be fun (niche, but fun)

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correct however ill ignore you because now youre into this “correct” “incorrect” back and forth nonsense. ill see if the person who made an offer is also going to provide that offer as im agreeing to it.

Made before the updates not edited and you scroll you can see everyone discussing it

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I mean guys he literally has dumb in his name


Or, in other words, “that sign can’t…”

thats very true


so, am i going to be provided with the promised offer or are you going to admit that what was said again is misinformation?

says who?

You’re like Adam Driver with how much you keep telling people to give you more.

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i can offer you the proof how sad your life apparently is, you are leaving it all over the place here

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Ran out of likes damn

someone by themselves made an offer and i agreed to it. im correct to confront it as misinformation if the offer wasnt real

No one is spearding misinfo but you sir


You: asks for evidence.
Us: provides evidence.

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How can I explain something to you if I can’t understand a word from you

You dont have a time machine to go forward and provide a photo of hte patch notes? Disgraceful


I’m sorry, but, as someone who even on this very Forum has received rape threats, death threats, suicide wishes, slander, false crime accusations and doxxing attempts, reading you calling whatever happened here “harassment” is honestly insulting.

I really hope you never have to go through actual harassment.


Ok, time to break this down.

Anything to stop the top dogs (US, USSR) is good.


I’d be able to start building a Canadian line-up which is nice. Tho it’s probably going to Germany tho I hope place 2 is the other thing we think I’d pre-order the CBT packs for that tree so fast.

can’t comment

Hopefully, cold war boat means full ASW helis.

Depends on how is made. I’ve had some of the best Hawaiian pizzas but some of the worst as well. It is a recipe that needs heavy balance.

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