Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Not anymore new info no

If we get PL-12’s and amraams i hope that gaijin will buy some new servers

At least not beeing flared rear aspect by the first flare

germany has the tornado at 11.3.

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yes, most probable hypothesis

It’s true, I wouldn’t rule it out.

if amraams drop i don’t see a reason to not why drop the JAS39C for italy

italy has F-16 versions for that, they propably gonna keep the grippen for later to still ahve content to add for italy

very hard to dodge the pantsir in it

u say that like that is a good cas lol


How many light tanks can we expect from the incoming update?

Tornado and panstir dont go well together

let bro alone he wont talk anyway

This is everything I believe from the discord dude.

@soviet_MoonMan got some more info on the F-20 that I don’t have the screenshots off

The only thing light about the tanks in this update is the color is their camouflage.

So…everything he said

Yeah, and it’s good. Haven’t died to any SPAA using Tornados and that’ll likely continue.

The facts I can easily find yea

Is the Swedish Gripen C still planned for this update, or might it be pushed back to next?

Bro ethier got down tiered for his life, ethier is chinese, or is a god

German one has less A2G then the British one but better thermal pod for now and better engines