Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

u didnt clarify ARB, massive difference

i will

learn your tank and cas is a crutch

At 11.3 yes but i am talking top top tier like 12.7

I can confirm its a very fun 11.3 especially now that 12.7 exists. easily one of the best 11.3s.

No no no need for it

My bad. should’ve ben more specifique, but sweden is HEAVILY lacking too in terms of CAS.

only good vehicles that are worth taking as CAS in sweden are counted on one hand literally

eh welcome to the club, germany isnt the greatest cas tree either

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Can we get the devblogs already i can’t wait

That’s what AIM-9M/Li does.
You don’t need AIM-9X/R-74 equivalent missiles to do well.

Whaa! We can’t do well with F-4F ICE using the 2nd best IR missile in the game! We need IRIS-T! /s

Dude we are at the peak of leaks let’s be grateful for that

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+40 vehicles for a major update sounds like a new nation or a new subtree. Given Smin’s latest comments about Hungarian aircraft, perhaps that part of the leak list is true.

when teaser? Friday?


Ok i get your point but the aim 9m does not really helps your dogfighting performance as the R73 or smth. It was just a random question i dont want to see 100G missiles flying anytime soon

part 3 already!!! wow

hungary air from what we learned, but only up to mig 29

EDIT: did not read trough your whole comment ups


I mean we had a teaser before on a Wesnday

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As far as i am aware and tested at least

dont expect 20 vehicles alone for hungary either be it a nation in itself (very unlikely) or just an addition to italy (very likely)

I hope we get the PLZ P.11 and that Avia bi plane for the started.

is their any more info

just saying but no block of the aim 9m will make it better at dog fighting. Thats what the Aim 9X was developed for

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