Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Hope that we get something good for the u.s and balanced with the ussr

Speaking of those, I didn’t have time to talk abt this on the last thread:

( [Development] [RoadMap] Following the Roadmap: grouping vehicles, rank changes, and improvements to premium vehicles - News - War Thunder )

Since gjn now views the lowest part of techtrees as a dead space/training area, it 's unlikely we’ll see new TT 's whose " main draw " contents are in that area. Mainly, that would apply to countries whose domestic combat vehicle industries ceased to exist at the beginning of WW2 or shortly afterwards.


do you guys think sweden needs a new Air subtree only?

I just responded to an earlier ping before I realised you guys had been spamming enough to make it to part 3 already ))


no the FA2 would be better

*Looks at the Canadian Leo

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Maybe some nordic subtree or smth


why? they got finnland

Cause its British and better radar (im just messing with you)

I do have a more serious question now. Can we expect a new block of the Aim 9M



the air tree is lacking massively, Rank 5 and 6 are bad to barely got anything good and the lack of superprops.

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just conveniently ignore the SAAB-105G one of the strongest CAS planes at its br lol

Sweden suffers, need more.

They only have one plane and it is the best(top tier plane)

not everyone would like play with CAS only plane in ARB

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thats a yes basically ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ

imo JA37D is very good, i still didn’t get the time to really Invest the time and spade but i am pretty sure it’s one of the best 11.3’s out there if not the best

We are at part 3 with like a handful of pre-orders