Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yes, it wasn’t attached to any specific update, but as Lee said, the prevailing theory is that the “differences” between Swedish Gripen A and C would be the weaponry, namely the AIM-120. And since said Gripen C isn’t coming because of no differences, you can see how the conclusion can be made here.


Hooray another lie from the snail. Why am i not surprised?

again, it cant be delayed, if it never was promised for this update in the first place lol

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I think its funny people are rushing to see them (FOX-3) without things like splitting of CM deployment which they would also bitch about if it didnt come at the same time after playing more than 1 game versus AMRAAM or R-77.

They didn’t lie though?

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To my understanding, it was promised to come in one of the first two updates of the year, yes?

People are free to draw and theorise whatever conclusions that they may wish too.

Once again, we have not attached or announced any major update to more advanced missiles coming to the game.

The only thing clarified was on the Swedish Gripen C, as we had previously mentioned it was planned to come for this update. That has changed.


the gripen C was promised in the March update but was delayed.

Sorry for the late reply, but does the delayment of Swedish JAS39C imply anything to the Hungarian Air Subtree? Once again, only assuming this gets added this patch.

not a lie, the decision to give sweden the grippen c this update was before they decided to give sweden an upgraded A variant with HMD etc. Now that the swedish grippen has all the features of the C as well, it would make no sense to add it in the exact same state. If anything it was a grace by gajin to upgrade the A variant and not make Sweden wait a whole update

it was said in the first or 2nd update, more likely in the 2nd, it was at no point promised or specified

then they should’ve said if everything goes as we are planning the gripen C is coming in the first major Update of 2023.

Once again, there was no lie here. We aim to keep you guys informed and up to date as much as possible and as far in advance as possible.

People are often requesting we do that more and more and its a constant aim of ours to improve communication as much as possible and in as much advance as possible.

It must however be understood that plans are not fixed, as things can and very much do change.


Wrong, they never said that. They said ARH missiles will come in the first or second patch of the new year.

I dont think its fair to say gaijin lie when all it is, is plans changing and development being re-orged as a result of changing priorities (ie the new event system or the roadmap for the first half of this year)

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Guys don’t put the thread in lock down again.

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How was it said? Quote.

ah no the grippen thing was a thing, but that was before they decided to give sweden an upgraded A variant

They did say it, actually, and the statement about it was completely unrelated to ARH missiles.

again gajin decided to give sweden the upgraded A variant, which makes it equivalent to the C . As a result they pretty much fullfilled their promise even a patch early