Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

so like i said possible GE premiums

yeah i just mis read but doesn’t mean their will be a Ge one just no pack

@gszabi99_HUN so GE premiums might still be possible, that goes together with grom saying there is a lot as well


unless new nation or something we will see

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every time i hear the new nation thing i currently cringe like stupid xD

@Smin1080p even though I’m happy to read the Devs are working on briging gaps in french tree, I disagree on the statement that a Leclerc prem is impossible :

that prem has better armor and better round than Leclerc, while being a tad lower in br. Their reload rate and mobility are quite close, plus Leclerc have no linup aside from some prem and 3 versions of itself. First I don’t see why Leclerc are at a higher br in comparison to this, and Second how that thing that is a bit better than Leclerc is not considered as a top tier premium.

For the line up issue, several options of vehicles exist for 11.0+ when it comes to light fighting vehicle, for example VBCI variants with ATGM like the Philoctete, VEXTRA 120 FER (VEXTRA 105 could be an other option for 9.3/7), EBRC with MMPs f&f atgm, just to name a few.

An other easy option is also to give HOT 3 to VAB MEPHISTO and change its br accordingly and to fill the gap bring one of the AMX10 HOT prototype or any platform that used HOT/Milan as their main weapon option. Not entirely sure if it would make it high enough to be on Leclerc br level though.

As for the br range of Leclerc already ingame, Gaijin should consider doing some modifications on the their protection. I heard mods admited Devs used pre-production armor from the Swedish trial for S1, and concidred every following leclerc to have the same armor even though there isseveral sources claiming there was an upgrade of it for mass produced on and later on too. Also please stop asking for proper source, we won’t have any access to real data before 70+ more year since the modernisation program XLR just restarted the count down on those, I think Gaijin mods should stop asking us primary sources about those specific parts as any sources about it that include precise numbers, are just either fans estimation or straight up illegal, all we are left with are educated guess.

So an other way to get Leclerc at higher brs could be modulating the armor within a reasonable margin following the indications of secondary that are the only one available.

S1, S2s and SXXI could benefit from the boost of armor and we could see a premium preprod’ Leclerc S1 that would be the one we have ingame rn, and justify it to be 11.3.

S2 AZUR should get better armor as the side blocks arent era but composite armor. Plus it’s the first prototype, there were other made on later versions.

Then for pushing up the top tier Br barrier for France we are left with Leclercl XLRs (there is multiple options depending of the year and military show, and the one that entered service) aswell as Leclerc Terminateur 140mm gun.

Other options to bridge the 9.7/11.7 gap are 1) the Proto of Leclerc with a weaker armor than preprod S1, some different optics layout and less smoke grenade would be a nice otpion for a 10.3/7 option, if not enough to justify the lower br it could be limited to use G1 APFSDS but then it would just be slightly better than AMX 40, speaking of which 2) AMX 40 is supposed to have some composite armor in the turret mantlet and sides, so giving it a tiny extra chance to tank a hit at least in the mantlet and side area, could push it up to 10.0, and if we really need a line up and there and support vehicles are not enough then there is 2 other AMX 40 prototypes with small changes to add.

Sorry didn’t want it to looks like a wish list or anything just wanted to answer you on that specific topic because Devs answers seems quite obscure to me, and make me wonder what are their knowledge of smaller nations that don’t have 1/ easy to access informations and 2/ a dedicated consultant in Gaijin dev team.

Cheers and have a nice weekend.


well im not betting on it but not impossible

AY upppppp did I hear a noise

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Everyone hide! Smins here

*Pretends to watch a ytp

smin1080p are you active on the forum outside of your work schedule?

any news on if AMRAAMs r gonna be added or not?

grippen c has been denied for this aptch, that ones is getting the role for amraams so propably not this patch

Besides that Smin answer, wait and see for next weeks news

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the A can get AMRAAMs

it wont because gajin wants it to stay at that br, else the C would have no reason to be added at all


maybe Gaijin will add them on the Viggen D before adding them to a more powerful platform.

threw my two cents in for match making but got the tanks i want off to custom battles til i get bored

The Leclercs are 11.7 BR. As we have already said, we wont be introducing a premium on the maximum available current BR at any given moment. So one on 11.7 is not possible.

The M1A1 and its counterparts like the Challenger 2 OES are 11.3. Not 11.7.

We were not just referring specifically to high BR light vehicles here. We are aware of many candidates for the future of the French tree and as we mentioned, are working to fill gaps within it across the board for line-ups.

All modern tanks have their armour based on the material that is available. Anyone is welcome to submit reports that will be considered as suggestions provided they meet the criteria: [Development] Reports concerning the protection of post-war combat vehicles - News - War Thunder

Nobody is asking for Primary sources. We are aware they are not possible to provide in most cases, and wont accept any that are not legally declassified and publicly available. The article linked above outlines what is accepted.

There are several sources that provide insight to the Leclerc’s protection. The Swedish and British trials are some. But this does not rule out the possibility of others being submitted for further consideration.

No worries, I hope this clarifies further, but lets please try to keep this topic on subject. Have a good one too.