Okay, I got an idea for what the update will be about if they introduced MITL weapons: INDIRECT HIT.
Everyone laugh pls im trying
Aren’t the martels more like the TV missiles from battlefield?
I’m doing some research on it atm to make a suggestion post, but GB could get the Leopard C1 upgunned with the Royal ordnance IWS. 105 with 540mm of pen at 2km. If you want silly that is
They aren’t as small as France, Japan, China, Sweden or Israel
But that doesn’t mean they are as fleshed out as Germany, The US and The USSR’s trees
The Heli tree still needs like 3 heli’s
The air tree is mostly there, but the ground still has some gaps
But minor vs major is kinda subjective
Tis in the eye of the beholder
I agree , I don’t get why Gaijin don’t do this
Bot flaggers are back, been flagged twice for 2 things very much on topic, 1 was literally about a devblog like what.
As an Italian main, gib more Japanese planes and tanks
To me, Major and Minor is how the matchmaker works.
So the US, USSR and Germany are major as you can’t get a match if you are in a squad with all 3. Well player playing the other nations don’t matter so they are “minor”
Britain is referred to as a minor nation because it is not in the meta, either because of lack of vehicles such as France, Italy and Japan, or because of poor selection and br placement in Britains case.
If it would make it better we can create a category of ‘middling-nations’ like the UK and Sweden. Britain in that case, is a shitty ‘middling nation’ and sweden is a very good one.
I was expecting rick astley.
Not even a RickRoll ? cmon
Good try
At least make it funny lol
Good point, good point
We plan to continue releasing at least five major content updates per year (each of them has more content than many standalone full-price games), as well as special events. We do not disclose exact plans, as guessing what comes next is a favorite hobby of our players, but new content means new nations, new vehicles, new maps, new gameplay mechanics, new graphics features, new collaborations with famous franchises, and more.
That means we will get fifth gen jets sooner than we expected