Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Where’s it at?

Based upon the dev stream, just 5-10km TV guided missiles that miss easily. Nothing new or interesting about them. The Buc S2B is looking to be a bit of downgrade to the Jaguar Gr1A for 10.3 CAS imstead of equal but different.

But Flame is already on the case;

Hell yeah! I love shooting them down too, especially when I’m saving a teammate. Glad they’re considering it.

Welcome to USSR/Ru CAS experience from 10.0-12.3 (11.7 SM3 will be the first exception)!

Yeah… if they don’t get the advanced guidance they really are pretty pointless, huge bummer

True, though the Su-25s are hella tanky and have a lot of CMs. Buc S2 rips if you pull too hard and only has 30 CMs. Not too mention the Su-25s carry a LOT more weapons

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Not my image though

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Fair enough.

the cope lives

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Yeah, there should be a few more overhaul to naval. One frustrating thing about naval especially RB is how easy it is to trigger a snowball, especially at higher BRs, and the first batch of hydroplanes or PT boat rushing caps pretty much determines the outcome, and if that failed even the most skilled players struggle to turn the tide. Spawning is another issue, everyone would almost always began engaging right off the spawn.
There are also some things that are impossible to fix, such as almost gaurnteed wins of the higher class of ship - battleship crushes CA, which crushes CL and so on. This is however, what happened historically.

who? what?

Don’t hit me, I’m just kidding.
By the way, Eitan IFV didn’t appear in any leak?

Gotta say, I am glad to see the F-20 at 12.0, since I was fully expecting gaijin to put it at 11.3 because US premium. Most of the other new vehicles BRs seem pretty whack tho

Oooo Tiran 5 would be dope as hell haha, been waiting a long time for that one

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Yep, I’ve started packing a PT boat just to near gurantee the win. But yeah, the spawns are attrocious

I just socked really that they went the trouble of making a RAM I when we like have the RAM II.
Sitting right in the dev files of Britain why not just use that ?

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Magic appearance of the possibility for France to finally get a Light Tank it seems.

because we need more

Just call it Su-30 lol, and if the US is going to get the F-15C, give it multirole and call it the Su-30M.

Canadian tree soon tm lol


I mean, there is a truckload of stuff in the files that they could just release anytime, but choose not to

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Idkw but I think they lost access over those models or forgot they are atcually there