Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)


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Second 👍



part 3 les go

We succesfully reached part3 before 2nd dev blog!

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Yoo, part 3. Also get ready for russian spam.

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Too bad that there really isn’t a tank from other sub trees that could have filled that specific gap lol.


tbf the UK itself has Support Vics its just none of the modern ones have been added, things like Ajax, Ajax Overwatch, Boxer CTA-40

yes ,british is really bad at that high br.

The best they are begging for is a copy paste 2a6. Which ends up being similar to the chally 3 td either way. If UK believes 1 leo 2a6 would help them in any way they are completly wrong

Part 3 already? Damn


i see that britons still cannot shut up despite being spoonfed various additions over last year… Im surprised Smin isnt locked in mental asylum by now having to interract with this bunch

The part changes, but the British suffering subject does not :(

The more things change, the more they stay the same.


What was wrong with old topic?

Come on man, there are enough options for a SAM that isn’t locked to 12kms. No need to go for C&P yet again.

Come to think about it- M1A2 SEPv3 fits on that censored leak slot and would make sense for the U.S to finally get it…

On the other hand, since F-18 is coming… how likely is it for the U.S to get both a Top Tier plane AND tank simultaneously?

U.S getting 500 planes in the past has been used as an excuse not to give them needed ground vehicles because “they could just spam C*S to make up for the lack of appropriate ground vehicles”…

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its full, after reaching 10k comments, new one opens

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how about India ordered the T-90MS, but not a single one has been delivered in 4 years.
Poor Indians.

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