Can you prove it’s not a mockup and can be fired?
i believe their is a gap for uk tree’s top tanks consider even the best uk tank
Pre-production model challenger3 is not able to fight with Leopard 2 a7 …or t90m…
and the challenger2/3 is so many in the game…
but what does South African Sub tree and india Sub tree can provided?
t90s is the best ones
wait you say t90ms?You should know that four years have passed, but the Russians haven’t shipped a single one…
i really think you should choice another sub trees
Like JA37C from sweden tech tree but none countermeasures ?
USA, UK (CT-133 Mk.3AT) (RCAF), China (ROCAF), Israel (FACh) and France (CT-133 Mk.3AT) (T-33A from Belgian or Dutch)
No blogs yet?
Pretty much. The JA37C we got was supposed to be an older variant but we players complained the lack of flares so it was made a 37C so we could have flares.
And yeah, the T-33A can go to many tech trees officially. More trainers the better; it’s just not going to be particularly grand.
I wish I could rumor trainers for War Thunder, but I can’t convince myself that they’re coming in any given update.
Please guys move this discussion somewhere else, the RnR thread is not the place for it.
Are there any plans to fill the 12.0 - 13.0 fighter gap in the British air tree?
I want drop next devblog season before part 3
Gajin might decompression max BR to 7.7 or 8.0 for Bluewater fleet top tier before add WW2 battleship
nice question
Poor boy
Please read.
And maybe let’s keep it on topic with in part 3 :)
Again, just because a subtree doesn’t add highly competitive top tier vehicles doesn’t mean that the subtree is useless or ‘unpowerful’.
Britain has its Challengers, which could perform better, if they got the attention from Gaijin that they need and the possibility to support vehicles from ZA and India.
If the support vehicles (and hopefully some Challenger fixes) still aren’t enough for you, then maybe Britain isn’t the right nation to play top tier for you and that is completely fine.
I was answering a question but i understand what you’re trying to say.
Fair enough.
It’s not really a priority gap to be filled. However naturally if a candidate comes along that suits, it’s possible. However many nations have “gaps” at certain BRs for fighters specifically.
The Bison also is there for those that specially want a Fighter at 12.3.
Im wondering if we might get a 12.0 SPAA, if we have india and they dont like the idea of SkySabre, we could very well get an Indian Pantsir which would give one bluefor nation an SPAA that isnt locked to 12kms (or we could get a 5th 10.0-10.3 SPAA)
The Tornado F.3 arguably should be 12.3 and there is no real need to fill such a gap, since we thankfully have the BR system (even if it sucks)
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