Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)


Huh? They really do look similar? Wonder why.

I second your what

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Adding new trees with unbalanced lineups directly into that doesnt help it though, lol.

The point is if we get other TTs, like say a full india tree, it doesnt need to join that unbalanced hell lol. Just cap them at a reasonable position like 9-10.0 region. Heck it also means more focus on having filled up lines under it.


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I’m just answering the question why the focus on top tier is there.

Even with new players, whenever I introduce someone to the game it’s usually “I want [top tier thing]” and “[X nation] sucks because top tier, so I won’t play it”

Personally I’d love more individual trees, even if ideally I’d like to see a nice middle ground between having those and the functionality of subtrees.


If the Chally 3 is fair game then a Bhishma Mk.3 or T-90MS would be fine as well.

While the assessment that some MBTs are only 12.0 because Gaijin wants all trees to have a 12.0 is fair, I am pretty sure that this is just a result of them being terrible at balacing the BRs



As you said, LOTS of us just happen to be modern machinery enthusiasts. I, too, grind or don’t grind trees exclusively and solely based on their top tier lineups, which are practically the only ones I play.

It’s not about “endgames”, “grind” or “tiers”, it’s just about the historical period I am most interested on.

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Finally something we can all agree on


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Thank you for the feedback. We would like to also extend a thanks to the French community in passing forward some documentation that help carify the name.


That middle ground is like the only way I’d support sub-trees again.

Like I want to see BeNeLux WW2 ground but won’t because France’s WW2 ground is full. So 1-2 vehicles at most.

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You can spawn more than one vehicle in AAB and I’m pretty sure about sim as well.

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Do people… play arcade… in Top Tier air…? o.O

Yup, both of them allow you to bring full lineups of just planes

I mean, it’s not my cup of tea, but I’ve seen plenty of people playing top tier arcade

You can take multiple vehicles but you dont have to as you can infinitely respawn in the same vehicle. With how poor the PvE gameplay is within ASB, the need for more specialised alternative aircraft within a “line-up” is pretty minimal.

So if you only take a fighter for example, with no ground attack. It doesnt matter, so long as the lobby isnt dead.

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imagine the sensory overload

I’ve read that arcade is the most popular game mode. Not sure which rank or air/ground but it makes sense

Any more blegdovs for today by chance?

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