Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

For air, sure, but their ground tree really has no top tier at all (seeing as Gaijin wants every ground tree to have a 12.0 vehicle and the Arjuns are 11.3 at best).

I think they were basing it off chile using the 60mm gun on a bunch of things.

I don’t see an issue with some nations trees not going all the way to the top BR

Also, wouldn’t the T-90MS or Bhishma Mk.3 be good enough for top tier?

Why is it people seem so fixated on neeeeeeeeeeeeding top tier. Why cant people be happy with a full and vibrant TT up to 10.0 as an example number? Sigh.


no isrial sold some m51’s to argentina (IIRC) they used them under the designation m60

nvm it was chile not argentina

This would do wonders for allowing trees. This is the big hang up for Argentina for example.

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Because it just unrewarding to reach the top of the tree and still be clubbed by others, think top tier coastal for example.

95% of players never reach toptier anyway. You are not representative.

eww top tier coastal

You may not see an issue with that, but Gaijin clearly does.

The Ariete AMV (before the 2A7HU got added) and Merkava Mk.4M had to be 12.0 even though they really have no business being there, only because they wanted these trees to have 12.0 ground vehicles.

Why do you think the 2A7s and Strv 122s haven’t been moved to 12.3 on their own? it’s not because they are so balanced at 12.0 currently.

EDIT: Bishma Mk.3 is far from being good at top tier lmao and the T-90M is already pretty mid at 12.0, also I’ll count that one when I see a picture of one in indian army service/testing.

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Gaijin really needs to stop that mindset.

It is one of the biggest issues of WT, so many things would be playable if that weren’t over BRed just so Gaijin can say. “look like got a [Max BR vehclie]”


For you/some perhaps, but dont play that TT then? For me I thoroughly enjoy the game up to around 10.3 and thats a pushing it point really, usually I cap out at 9.3 even with a TT fully unlocked.

Above just, isnt really appealing. I usually hang around at 5.3-9.3 BR range for any tree I play.

IDK why those of us who dont care for top tier need to suffer for it xD

Gaijin said otherwise

When did they say so?

the problem if the tech tree would make
enough money for gaijin to keep updating it or not

forbidden rules

Soviet Lavi/J-10 go brrr

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Because Top Tier is extremely unbalanced at the present time, with 3 nations dominating all others, 4 being subpar and 3 being practically pointless; and Top Tier has been in need of balanced counterparts for over a year at this point- not just when it comes to MBT vs MBT action, but most importantly, SAM vs C*S.

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Huh? They really do look similar? Wonder why.