A polish tree would get Abrams. Its supposed to come SOON™️
poland as a seperate nation?
Of course.
With other east euros as subtree. I dont know how that would work tho. If its only czech as a subtree that would be just fine imo.
Considering you just called it a minor nations why would it hurt to help it out with an extra vehicle
What does that mean?
Germany got more than France while France military complex is higher in modern era from cold war to today, why they got more and France would have now “more than what it deserved” specially when you see how sad and empty the top tier is against majority of others nations ?
Oh god, this is gonna lead to an Indian Rafale, Tunguska, Tor, Shilka, etc. isn’t it?
i think new nations in game should be a collection of nations, not a single nation
Whoa … will France get the Marders as well … coz of the franco-german Milan system? /s
Years late, one time / 20.
i dont care, add all vehicles to france lol
I don’t get your point but nevermind.
I will vomit if this happens lmao
france could get a jeep
The only issue is, that whining is a year old, if it did work it would have been in the same update Germany got it.
So to me, it’s like the UK’s Ram II B, added as an “apology” for giving away something that was/would have been, exclusively theirs.
Because both vehicles could have been added years ago.
legit … say lets play 10.7 France … ohh wait … lets play 10.7 Germany oohh look an entire line up
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France could have a dozen of it’s own Jeeps
Blessed froggie yeet jeep.
Wiesel after the GYM XD
Now Clovis is coming, hopefully its 8.0, so I can have a 8.0 france premium linup :D